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Posts posted by liyi_92

  1. Replace battery today. $252 for battery and $37 for labour so $290 total. The guy started off convincing me to try buy a $700 battery, after saying no he recommended me to buy a $500+ battery. Already felt he was trying to rip me off so told him I'm a student and ask for the lowest price.

    The battery they put in is slightly smaller than the one they took out so I asked them twice if it would run good. They confirmed it was ok.

    Will see how it goes. For the time being start up and all electronics seem good

  2. Alright, cleaned up the mess, removed old battery.

    Asking the wise men on this topic a last time.

    Are batteries plug and play? Like I take my battery into a place such as super cheap auto or such and get them to find me one with same specifications, take it home and put the new battery in how I took the old battery out (but connecting positive first) ?

    Thanks guys

  3. the yellow stuff is just a product of electro_ corrosion(my term for it) at the terminals.You can get rid of that with baking soda-water (base) solution that sorta dissolves it.It is acidic though so you need to keep adding your solution until it stops "fizzing" and wash the whole area down with lots of water cos you dont want that stuff lodging anywhere(its corrosive)Once the terminals are nice and clean put everything back together and apply a thin coating of grease or vaseline (to keep the air off) and attempt your jump start.Alternatively you can try giving your battery a good charge making sure it is topped up with water first.However your battery sounds like it had it so it will only be a matter of time before its flat again.

    In my experience most garages and the AA wont have the correct battery on hand.Its worth getting the proper rated battery for a e39

    sorry I am noob about these things. Should I unplug both the terminals before washing down? If I remember correctly disconnect Black (negative) first then the red (positive)?

  4. Hi guys, I have a E39 528i

    Recently (this month or so) with this cold weather my car had a few start ups where the car starts up, but none of the dials or the dash display works.

    Now today after starting up, parking in a different spot to wash it. It could not restart!

    When in position 2, the radio, tv, and all the usual works, but when I try to start the car, the head lights flash, and just wont start! I also hear a tick tick tick sound from the front.

    I checked the battery immediately and found all this yellow stuff (maybe acid? corrosion?) around wher the battery is hooked up. (both positive and negative sides)

    Please give me advice. Car cannot start and is completely stationary!



  5. pretty much. i only brought mine because my house got broken into and my iPod and laptop both got stolen, and after having just brought my 5, insurance pay out didnt give enough funds to buy both. Now i have computer again, its only used in the car for music.

    if the iPad ran OSX instead of iOS however, would be a completely different story

    bad luck about the burglary. i agree OSX is indeed much more professional. I have always found IOS to look like a kids thing. Soon i'm buying an alienware :D

  6. I have a feeling, and I may be wrong, the original shadow chrome finish was made by an Italian company and that the components of it contained a lot of lead so now it is hard to come by as it it restricted by environmental controls.

    Some people go to extreme lengths to get the original effect back - http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/show...ad.php?t=162503

    As usual there is a lot of conflicting info out there as to how to best replicate the original effect.


    wow nice article! After seeing those wheels I want to cry... makes mine looks like an absolute disgrace... But all of that process must have taken a big amount of money...

  7. In 3 years your cars would be worth half as much. And the F40 would be asking $1.6m

    Looking from an accounting sense of view, yes thats true. But looking from an economic view, the satisfaction I would get by purchasing other car(s), would outweight that I would have if I had purchased the F40, therefore I would ask the question why buy a car if its not the one you actually like ;)

    If appreciation and depreciation is needed to be taking into consideration, wouldn't investing in land or property be better? If so, why would some rather this car? It is because the satisfaction one gets from acquiring this vehicle is greather to that of an extra property or land. This could also be said vice - versa.

    ...And of course I am dreaming talking about owning such things in the near future. hehe

  8. Personally, I hate boy racers. I appreciate responsible youth driving "actually nice" cars with enthusiasm in their vehicles but I am sick of people on giving the finger on the aves, drink driving, burning rubber on public roads. What benefit is that to any other user on the roads?

    I would say crush away.

    The Karn Forrest guy can also be found on facebook. The first result actually. Looks the biggest of all douches.

    It was great when I saw a 1990 or so Cefiro revving infront of Bus Exchange in Christchurch (Before earthquakes) with the usual spray paint black rims, cut springs, big bore, you know the rest. And then a Gallardo pulls up behind him. First time I saw a boy racer actually tryna keep his car quiet! ;)

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