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Posts posted by 3 SERIES

  1. Yeah held them yesterday, but since I'm not already used to holding a SLR, they both felt foreign. The shop wouldn't let me switch them on to have a play around and get the feel for which buttons do what which was annoying.

    Anyone got any comment on the usefulnes of the D5100's rotatable LCD screen? (I suppose it depends on what you're shooting, but do you really use it?)

    I thought one good thing about it is that you can fold the screen away and it doesn't get dirty or scratched.

    Cheers for the help guys

    It'll be more expensive but go to a propper camera shop, not some cheap parallel importer if thats where you've been. The knowledge you'll gain will be invaluable, their warrenty and service backup will exceed some parallel importer and you'll actually be able to have a play with the cameras to get a feel for what suits you best.

    IMO, Live view, rotating screens, HD movie functions etc are all gimmicks that you'll never use. Dont think ive ever seen a photographer use any of these TBH.

    From what I can gather you're new to this so just learning how to take a photo successfully in manual mode (not auto) will keep you busy enough.

    My 2c

    Edit: Listen to Camera Doctor. He know's what he's talking about!

  2. Asking the Canon Vs Nikon question will only confuse you more as the rivalry is fierce ha ha.

    I have a Canon but im not biased in any way.

    Looking quickly at the spec's it seems the Canon has the upper hand.

    18mp vs 14.2

    Up to 6400 ISO vs 3200

    3.7 fps vs 3.0

    End of the day, they're both going to be much of a muchness in terms of image quality.

    Go with what feels best in hand.

  3. Just bumping to have a quick update.

    Circumstances have now changed and we are looking at a MANUAL e36, e34 or e30. Budget is around $6000 or so. Must be relatively low kms, tidy interior and exterior, leather if possible. E36's are preferred and we'd prefer a 318is or a 320i or above.

    Thanks guys,

    Have sent you a PM but will be looking for more than 6k.

  4. Hey PJay,

    That car has been thrashed, it was a previous owner on here. Nick posted a link to Max on facebook of the car doing skids, I thought I recognised it from somewhere.

    Edit: Here -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_toA1YNKlVE&feature=youtube_gdata_player


    Someone post the youtube link to the auction questions. Should drop the value of the car by a couple of G's ha ha.

    Bimmersport, causing sh*t since ages ago!

    Edit: Looks like a common occurrence - Youtube

  5. Pjay, if you want to know anything about James' car (that he can't answer himself) like the sunroof being glued shut or details on the replacement engine then get hold of this guy - All European Service

    He was the owner/mechanic who did all this work on the car. Very helpful guy. Cant remember his name but I approached him to buy it a couple years back but he wanted moon money for it so I declined.

    Hope James is ok with me giving out this info...

  6. Had the same issue with mine, fix? went to 2 degrees! i get really good coverage now...often better than XT

    Good to know. I'm getting the fark away from Vodafone as soon as my 3 months of double mins are used up.

  7. Assigning a simple MP3 as a ringtone or text is a mission so I cant be bothered lol.

    You can do it with a $99 Nokia easy enough. I cannot fathom how a phone worth >1k cant do it simply and easily!

    As for reception, average on my 3GS. Not sure if its the phone or Voda to be fair. Im going with Voda thou.

    Had my iPhone just over a year and have F all apps. Here are a few I use quite a bit.

    Skype & Viber - Viber is good but made for every country but NZ where mobile internet usage is unlimited.

    Sky TV - Only just been released but seems to work well. Can view the channel guide and remote book programs if you have mysky.

    Remote - When listening to itunes on laptop, computer, tv, stereo etc you can control it thru your iPhone over a wireless network.

    Soundhound - Dont know a song? Now you do!

    Dropbox - Cant be bothered explaining lol Check it out.

    Then there's the usual - Trade Me, Facebook, Stuff, Vodafone etc etc.

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