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Posts posted by 3 SERIES

  1. Wow, there is some serious coin being put into some of the cars on here!

    Off the top of my head, in the past couple years ive spent approx 3k on some second hand rims, new tires, colour coding bumpers & side skirts, wheel bearings, oil filters, spark plugs, belts etc.

    Its amazing how it adds up quite quickly. Luckily ive been able to get "mates rates" on a lot of these items otherwise it could have easily been double that.

    Under no circumstances will I keep a spreadsheet and keeping track of $50 worth of petrol every 2-3 weeks is a bit anal.

  2. this is why is joined BS, to be schooled that is haha ive just got off the phone with the shop (magwarehouse panmure) and he said to brng the car in monday and he'll have a look at what he can do...

    just an idea, harder springs maybe??

    Not going to do a thing. Youre dead set on the rims huh?

    i think it looks sick if you were going for that look (stance) in the first place ..

    it can be done .you just need some guard work ( more than rolling them) should be sweet IMO

    It needs more than just the guards rolled! Those rims sit 3" beyond the front guards.

  3. No need to get rid of the car, its not that extreme!

    Just get the proper sized rims. How much did you pay for them? If you didnt overpay then you should be able to sell them easily enough...

    Edit: You brought them from a shop? If they said theyll be fine, they need to be shot (not litterally :D)

    Wouldnt these fail a wof? Id be taking them back and getting a refund.

  4. That's a completely absurd opinion. Shooting someone if they present immediate physical harm to you is fine, but shooting someone in the back as they ride away on your quad bike isn't. He wasn't protecting his family, he shot a guy in the back as he ran away, which is cowardly. No matter what opinion you have of the thief, human life > quad bike.

    You mean thief > quad bike

    Not question about it.......quad bike

  5. Dude you living in the future?

    lol Man, I kinda know how rjac (spelling?) feels when he makes dumb ass comments

    TBO I didnt take much notice of the actual date, Just assumed it was today we were talking about.

    I retract my statement :)

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