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Everything posted by PBOY23

  1. rude http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-163829110.htm way better
  2. confrim me in please , crazy do i pm you my details ?
  3. PBOY23

    E28 Race car.

    looking good going to be a cool old car i found this while browsing proberly been put up before http://www.carclassic.com/stock.asp?Ref=DV95&Lang=en DTM e28 for sale
  4. PBOY23

    Rims and Tyres

    i want some cheap standys for the drag day if anyone got some spare
  5. PBOY23

    What the ?

    crazy drifting mini truck/ute
  6. when are you planing on doing a deal i have been wanting these for a while but havent got around to do anything ? i would love to learn to install if anyone in auckland knows or i can track down a dIY page on the net
  7. years ago i remember that same set up in a e30 coupe Pre F/L 13b supercharged . an yes having bags it would handle as good as my old compressed springs , the engine going hard would only be for sound and looks bet he got stock brakes to
  8. will do cert will be last il cert everything need be . should be fun but need to get a couple of body things done quickly dent wise not kits propberly keep alipina lip on may be a good idea to get fiberglass copies done just a couple dont want to destory it and have nothing ill sell the real deal keep fiberglass copies
  9. greg im not useing it for show i have a plan of bc coilovers new bushes in areas slotted discs good pads - 2weeks braided lines later short shift kit -brought recaro seats striped interiour a bit to lightn but keeping it street also 2 sets of belts 17 inch rims instead of 19s which will go on missus TI have abit of a track day car wont be fast but will teach me the basics a wee bit of a project as i will soon have a van for work and for bit of fun it wont happen over night but i have the cage , the brake parts in two weeks then suspension hopefully . the cage is not in my car at the mo it was a good idea to buy it as it was cheap , if somthing happens pjay i will flick it to you also a 92 320i dont have airbags
  10. yeh fully agree doesnt look tuff for what its packing, deep dish rims in silver, smoke lights
  11. mean tryed to buy that plate ages ago
  12. extactly my idea can get it done cheap to but the guy said somthing about seams on the cage or somthing i dunno wait an see i got a plan for it
  13. had the same thing bro , but i only could tell with my really low springs dont know what the deal
  14. hahaha yea man it was me it was such a good deal !!!!
  15. i brought a 4 point half cage out of a m3 for 50 bucks mint condition pro job quality has belt mounts dont know what im goin to do with it but it was cheap
  16. that wagon looks nice ray 19s look better as its a bigger car , what about those orange indicators? sorry to hijak D T H
  17. PBOY23

    My car...

    how did you put in 6x9 in parcel tray? could you post up some pics thanks sounds like a crazy set up
  18. yeh will do i wil still get the short shift get a service done on the trans as it doesnt crunch evry time i change down from third to second we will see what happens . thanks heaps
  19. true dont want to damage the box. if syncs are getting tired can they be fixed or is it a replace job? thanks heaps mike
  20. yeh my changing down from 3rd to 2nd isnt very good but works fine , another question relating to that , when should a service on a gear box be done every how many kms? also take it they are fairly easy to install ? im a wee bit handy on the tools
  21. yeh have noticed also driven performance has them for 90 bucks on there very tempted does it make driving more enjoyable ? any downsides?
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