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Posts posted by atlantiskiwi

  1. I am going through the exact same dilemma and has this discussion just this afternoon with Ross @ BM workshop in Botany. I have a facelift 03 530i and LOVE IT! But have been considering a 540i M for a while now as I really want a V8. I have not had a situation yet where the 530i has not had enough power and it's incredibly nice to drive. From what I understand the 540i should

    Only be an option of you simply want a V8 otherwise all things considered the 530 M is the way to go. Btw, my parents had a 528i new in 07 and the difference is HUGE between 528 and 530i. The Vanos on the 530 is impressive especially once you give yourself some time to understand how to use it. You can't just plant your boot and expect it to react. But that's why they are such a fun car to drive!! If you want to try a 530i. Give me a yell. I am more than happy to take you for a spin. I'm in Auck btw.

    • Like 1

  2. Your freaking me out man! Following and reading into my words a little to closely!

    20k for 200k is not right. End of storey and there is a whole post of guys saying exactly that. I don't expect anyone to be knocking at my door and will pay what the market demands but clearly based on how long the two silver ones have been on line the market says they are not worth 20k!

    Haha I'm guessing you have an m3 and are making an attempt to set the market expectation...? ;)

    Funny - I read that discussion as being worded differently. You'd said that you wanted a mint low km NZ new blue one with leather interior, for 12-15k from memory as to you that's what they're worth, & people should be beating a path to your door wanting to off-load them for that..........

    As mentioned there, & also here again 'Good luck with that' - IMO theres high odds you'll have to change your criteria a bit, or the price you're willing to pay....... ;):)

    IIRC, the next thing you were talking bout was a non-mint UK import one that needs a bit of TLC, but was priced accordingly at the time........

  3. Hey mate. Good to hear your are in it for the long haul. I'll be there soon! Just gotta find my car!! Definitely keen to take a look at your car and also hear what you looked for etc. Drop me a txt 021620633 or let me know if your going to one of the meets with the club and ill catch you there.

    Hey guys,

    Sorry for the late reply, haven't checked up for a while.

    Richard, I live in Ellerslie mate, so it can't be mine. I do drive through Remuera a bit though, so maybe you've seen me on the road. I'm happy for you to come visit anytime (send me a PM), but I'm not interested in selling I'm afraid. I'm just getting started with this thing. ;)

    Nigel, thanks for the headsup about the Vanos. It's only my to do list, but ain't at the top. Gotta budget all this out otherwise it'll get out of control pretty quickly!

    Might catch up with you gents at the next meet.


  4. Haha. I spoke with this guy on the weekend. He's a pilot and I asked him what his real buy price was. But he seemed pretty fixed on 20k. For that reason I haven't wasted mine or his time. But I was saying just the other day that these are not worth 20k (under wanted, e36 m3 post) and everyone was saying I was wrong!! Agh I just want to find a bloody half tidy m3 that is a realistic price!!

    • Like 1

  5. Hi, nice m3. You have purchased the exact car I am looking for. Maybe you can see if they had an extra one! :).

    I'm not sure if it's you but I drive past a house in Remuera every night after work and there is one of these sitting in the driveway. I have been meaning to stop in and see if they are interested in selling...is there any chance this is your car?

    Hey everyone,

    So, this Saturday I'll take ownership of my very first BMW. An E36 M3 in beautiful Avus Blue.

    Attached photo is from the TradeMe auction, so some of you may have recognize it. I bought it site unseen but had a good friend test drive it for me, and had Coombes Johnston go over it with a fine tooth comb. Quite a list of things to fix up, but nothing serious... and this is a keeper for me so I'm in no hurry. :-)

    Turns out I know the guy who imported it in '97, so I have some good insights into about two-thirds of its life.

    Hopefully this will bury a few "fun car" demons for me. My last attempt was importing an R32 GT-R from Japan myself. It looked good on the auction paper, but when it landed I discovered it had serious structural rust so I had to let it go.

    I'm looking forward to showing up to a group meeting at some point. I've already spent some time at the BMW Race Series and it seems like a really tight nit group with lots of support and knowledgable peeps.

    Take care!


    Edit: Oh yeah, I'm an Aucklander. :-)

  6. That's where your wrong. They are there! I have had the chance but missed the opportunity! I will spend what I need to for the right one . But 20k is more than they are worth. You can buy an E46 for 25k

    Basically, much like Nick says - its been ba$tardised .......

    I'm intrigued with the idea that we're gonna find what the OP wants though for 12-15k, (basically what he wants for his 530 is gonna turn into a NZ new M3......)???I'd have thought that's fairly ambitious probably...........

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