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Posts posted by zenetti

  1. Wow... some of you guys on here really are the "conspiracy theory" types aren't you :P .

    There could be all kinds of reasons why he wants/needs to sell the car. Being out of the country until the 19th isn't a big issue as the auction ends on the 26th.

    Please don't bag things until you know the full story or at least have gone and seen the car in the flesh!

  2. Finally............... some more 7's! Looking good man. Another mod I would get done is to get the two rear mufflers replaced with dump pipes. It gives it that nice V8 sound without being too loud and over the top!

  3. Sometimes swapping the front and rear tyres can help matters, the different wear patterns and suspension differences between front and back can change the noise generated (and the wear rate)

    Bad idea in this particular case. The sportpac runs a staggered fitment wheel and tyre combo!

  4. It is more than likely scalloped tyres. Run your hands from the front of the tyre to the back, if you can feel ridges (kind of like a scallop shell funnily enough) this is what will most likely be causing the noise. It also usually makes itself most noticeable when you are braking at almost at a stop.

  5. where did you hear that about the air bags?, could possibly have been a fault in the RHD conversion( if it has been converted yet)

    I grew up in NP and my mum works in the automotive industry. New Plymouth is quite a small place so, a few calls later, you get quite an interesting story. As always, it could just be Chinese whispers, I guess time will tell.

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