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Posts posted by zenetti

  1. GO and TALK to the professionals :rolleyes: .

    While some of the opinions on here seem relevant and correct, alot of it stems from personal experience. I find it quite interesting that when people want advice on issues they will listen to just about anybody except the people who actually do it for a living or won't or can't be bothered talking to them. I am sure Glenn comes across this quite a lot as well.

    Not picking at you Hybrid but words like 'umbrella effect'?, and actually "recommending getting guards rolled"?

    If you get the correct offset and width you will not need guards rolled. BTW all BMW guards are double skinned and have silicone in them to prevent water getting in, pooling and ultimately causing rust issues.

    I really could go on for a lot longer but really can't be bothered and am sick of banging my head against a wall at some of the 'advice' I see given out on this forum.

  2. Very nice im going to bring 3 e36 M3's in next year....

    they will have to be here and MR2A'd by 31st December this year. The New emission standards kick in 1st January 2009, so you better get your 'A' into 'G' as they will only be good for track cars if brought in next year.

  3. I cant remember which one's i had on, honestly. Did i have 2 bottle's and 2 16"s on? If so same tyre.

    Got offered some 'Roadstone' N3000 215/40R16 for $175incl each on car. Might go with them. Has anybody used these tyres? The manager said these are new to the market and made under license from dunlop.

    Where some DZ101 215/45R16 $210incl each. i think i might get this.

    He is telling you porkies re Roadstone. Roadstone is a rebranded Nexen and from the same factory. We have had a lot of success with Nexen, a great all round mid-range tyre. The people that import Dunlop also import Roadstone, that is the only connection. If you like I will see what I can do for you when I am at work tomorrow



    ps where are you from?

  4. there are lots of abstract and logic puzzles in the initial exam so make sure you practice heaps of those - the kind that says what comes next if that makes any sense (you know black square black circle white square ... what comes next?)

    You also don't get a lot of time to do the initial exam and they mix up the questions so that there are some easy ones towards the end of the exam, the trick is to go through and try them, if you don't get it immediately go to the next and then come back to it. A good mate of mine found this out the hard way and failed his first go because he ran out of time.

    The fitness is pretty important too, your local recruiter should be able to give you the time that you need to run, how many push ups you need to achieve etc. A big thing they look at is attitude - they like you to do as many push ups and sit ups as you can rather than just the minimum needed to qualify.

    The actual college is all about study, my mate had little time to do anything else.

    Hope that helps and gives you a few pointers - my mate reckons it was the best thing he has done!

  5. It depends on whether your rims are different widths. If they are the same all round you should run 235/40R18's. If they are different widths run 235/40 and 265/35r18 tyres as suggested by the other guys. We have a store in chch, flick me a PM and I will be able to quote you some prices.



  6. I had a few things sit on trademe with no interest. chuck them on $1 reserve and actually got more than my reserve on the first auctions.

    I did the same with a set of 17" wheels, had no interest then offered them at $450 and not one bite. Relisted them at $1 reserve and got $500 for them - go figure!

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