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Posts posted by zenetti

  1. Stupid as it sounds...I bought a set of wheels without asking you guys if it will fit...

    Would a E36 318i Sedan be able to fit a set of 18X7.5 with 225/40/18 rubber?

    should fit no problems, what offset are they? Do you know what car they came off? You may get a slight bit of rub on the back depending how low your car is and what the offset of the wheel is. Otherwise you should be sweet. Just make sure that if the wheels are not hub centric you get some locating rings otherwise you will get a lot of shake through the steering wheel at 80 - 100km/h

  2. i like that kit alot clean shaped. nyone know were to get my hands on one. can't say i like those tail light at all nor those wheels but beside that i kinda like it oh and with out that werd bmw sport haha looks um "riced" or how ever you guys say it haha.

    I know exactly where to get it from.................... ME!!!!!! :P

    have 10 x 4 door kits in stock for E36

  3. What kind of wheels are they? Alpina?

    yep Alpina, I had a great old time looking for tyres when Penry was looking at the car. No tyre dealer in the country imports 21" tyres except for the late model 7 series size which comes out as a factory 21" option. Obviously this is way too small to be on an X5

  4. interesting conversation,

    What i basically mean is i want some good springs that with good shocks will sit the car nicely and also handle well. i see many 3 series with superlow jamex and the back is still a lot higher than the front, if they both lined up things would look good. In time the money is there to do things right, Im after suggestions from people who have been down this road and know what works best in this car. trust me i am also as against cut springs and scraping like all of you. i thing "low az" has been taken the wrong way, of course safety is of a higher priority.


    Talk to our forum sponsors - they are here to help, I am sure Keith will be able to point you in absolutley the right direction and be able to do a sharp deal!! :D

  5. Tyres are a funny issue - some people want they best they can afford, others just want their car to get from A to B. Personally I prefer to buy the best tyre I can afford, however I can see that if you just want to 'do skids' or have excessive camber etc you wouldn't go putting a $400 Pirelli on the back.

    We use a little diagram at work which shows what we call the "Impossible Triangle" It looks a little something like this


    Quality (grip) Longevity (Life)

    You can only ever have TWO of these things without sacrificing the third

    If you want a Quality tyre with long life you pay the price

    If price and longevity are your two concerns you sacrifice the quality

    If quality and price are your 2 main concerns then don't expect the tyre to last long.

    Some people do not want or can afford to buy a high performance tyre. It doesn't mean the tyre is 'crap'! Manufacturing processes are becoming more and more refined hence tyre prices are coming down. Now you can buy a 'decent' 205/40/17 (Toyo) for around $170, a few years back these would have been up around $270.

    Granted a 'quality tyre' does make the world of difference when driving with some 'spirit', but if you are never going to 'push' the limits of the tyre do you really need the best available? It's like buying a pushbike - if all you are going to do is ride around One Tree Hill or the waterfront do you really need to spend $10k on a pro level bike?

    I am not advocating the 'cheap & nasty' tyres on the market - just trying to bring some perspective to this thread. Most of us on here are 'enthusiasts' and like to drive so naturally we prefer having a quality tyre underneath us. Personally I would feel pretty guilty about selling someone a premium top of the range tyre when all the are doing is toddling around the city in their little 318Ti.

    We have sold tyres at the 'bottom end' of the market, and the customers have come back raving about them - probably because they had more tread :P , but at the end of the day they were fit for their purpose. We also sell alot of mid to upper end tyres ( Goodyear, Dunlop, Toyo etc) and customers come back raving about them - again because they are fit for their purpose.

    I don't believe any new tyre on the market is 'crap'.They are simply fit for their purpose. Granted their can be quality issues with a cheaper brand but they still all pass E mark certification etc. 'Crap' is a subjective term and is bound by our personal experiences, If I think the latest M3 is 'crap' because the ride is too harsh and the exhaust too noisy, am I right? Or would I have been better off buying a 320i and speccing it with all the 'add-ons'? Should the salesperson even been selling me an M3?

    Whether or not the consumer chooses to believe what you recommend comes down to how a salesperson comes across. I think most tyre 'salespeople' these days tend to put too much of their personal opinions into selling rather than taking the time to find out what the customer actually needs. I would say at least 50% of the time what the customer needs and what they want are two different things. All you need to do is search these forums for everybody's 2 cents worth.

    I'm sure this will stir up a can of worms - but hey that is what a forum is for :D

  6. i quite like it.

    if you can get them in 15x7 and the right offset for the E30 race series then that would be a goer too.

    haha, I was wondering how long it would take for that to come up. I too got quite excited when I saw the PCD and offset, unfortunately the only make them in 16's and 17's. The search continues!

  7. hey guys (and gals) :D

    just wanting to guage interest on this wheel to suit your E30's. It is a 17x7 at 30ET so will not require the use of any adaptors or spacers. The picture is a CAD drawing I am sorry, but it should give you an idea of the wheel. Comes with a nice machined lip, and yes I am aware the picture is of a 5 stud wheel, it is DEFINITELY available in 4 stud :P


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