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Posts posted by chompa

  1. yeh figured that it wouldnt be easy but thought maybe it was in something else aswell tho.. like a model a little less collectable/rare..

    i will rule that out as a option then...

    any ideas what in the youtube vid? i like the sound of it!


  2. Best e36 m3 colour! This cars fast as, good luck with the sale mr Laurences dad (forgot your name :unsure: )

    lol geoff, or is it jef? whatever it sounds like that hah..

    what happened to the idea of wrapping it round a pole and pinching the engine for a transplant hah?

    must be insured for alot more than the reserve...

    haha goodluck im sure it wont sit around at that price for long....

    whats the next car going to be huh...PM me with the details!


  3. I know of an e21 318i manual up for sale in the not-too-distant future. Might not have enough balls for you though?

    doesnt bother me as id be putting a new engine in there anyways.. is it in really good nick?

    ideally want one without rust and good (not cracked) window rubber as i understand new rubber is really hard to come buy?

    keep me posted please!....


  4. Your doing pretty well for a student Liam!


    Hows that e21 coming along? Seen this?


    yeh have seen that but in the middle of exams atm and dont have time to do anything..plus i would still rather get the auto on there as that has no lil problems and more importantly rust!

    not in any hurry tho as im sure the RS4 will provide me with enough kicks until the perfect car comes along. maybe someone will build me my e21 for me? lol

    yup as a student i not doing to bad thankfuly! now that im finally at uni my dad has become very generous (bribes are not uncommon in my fam and i turned down a very hefty one to take a gap year :P)


  5. yeh think now he was just gauging interest. he wont answer my emails at all regarding some better pics/rust etc..dont think il bother atm unless he drops the price more....then maybe fly up and talk to him in person, tho this shitty weather is making a trip to hawaii very tempting atm......what to do!


  6. Log manifolds made properly can make good power. But the DA one isnt even a good design, it goes from a small runner from the exhaust port into a big chamber while making a 90* turn, any change in direction is going to slow the gases down (which means less energy to spool the turbo).


    thought this was common sense?...less restriction is always best!

  7. E21 parts front bumper,front grill,underneath the front bumper,and bonnet.

    i got the black grills. twin head light but no kidney grill.. you in welly?

    laurence (old_school_bmw)sold his orange 21 which was mint to a guy in welly but that was only a 4 banger.. last i heard he had blown the rebuilt? engine up and was fitting a Rotary.. :wacko:

  8. Dude,

    Last one of this quality I saw sell was for $500.00 on TM.

    There was a mint little yellow one that had been all tricked up an was a darling car, sold last year about mid year from memory $5,500.00

    End of the day its up to you, all depends how bad you want one, but they do crop up all the time so be patient grasshopper & remember buy the best you money will get you........take it from a man who knows BMW's can resemble very large black holes into which you pour money.

    Have to say that all the bloody childish nonsense that has surrounded this topic has been mildly amusing, or at least it would have been had it not been so damn sad................grow up boys your mummy aint around to wipe any of your sniveling little noses anymore...........LOL

    cheers, am waiting....resonably patiently...haha,

    hopefully i will have more news in a few weeks!

    dont think its worth flying to aucks to view car when its clear he not going to drop price as much as i want :(

    atm would pay more for the auto on there, however will wait and hope a manual comes up as im in no rush..


  9. lol hear the current owner is a bit of a hoon. cops were looking for this all weekend at the beach hop because of its tendency to lose traction..

    copped alot of flack on the previous auction by do-gooders-(fair enough causing trouble isnt cool but seriously surely peeps must have better things to do than complain on a auction!)

  10. gutted, personally i dont think the show will be half as good without them.. they make it enjoyable aswel as informative and franky if it wasnt i dont think any of the woman in our homes would put up watching it!

    (i DONT wear the pants obviously so keep it funny too in the hope i will continue to be able to watch it)

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