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Everything posted by dave

  1. dave

    Gee, what losers

    hahah for a minute I thought you wrote that
  2. Yeah, I think in a way its a good thing, keep the rd's safer. However, the whole not knowing the cops will probably come back and bite me on the bum!! I have been pulled over once by a mufti police car, I think it was a white nissan pulsar sedan?? Police going stealth..... ninja styles!!
  3. dave


    i call p/chop!!
  4. its alot of work..... the bumpers just dont go on, you have to hack off the tow loops and pretty much mount it urself, it is hard to get right..... the side panels are the hardest, i haven't seen one fitting look good yet, always wavey!!!heres how you do just the bumper conversion in saying all thias i hope to have it done one day.... ps. if ur doin it shotgun buying ur mtec1 kit!!!
  5. dave

    87 320i f/sale

    post pics then...
  6. this threads awsome!!!
  7. dave


    hahah glenn you think you got a big enough sig??
  8. dave

    e30 mags

    hahah get an e30 first!!!!once Gus hears its gonna be all on
  9. sorry dont do the full banner stickers... Tim urs are in the mail, gus i have to pick up the small ones on Fri.
  10. dave

    rev counter

    well my speedo and fuel guages stopped working for a while and it was the wiring under the car damaged, NOT where the speedo cable plugs in!
  11. dave

    e30 mags

    $800 straight off now!
  12. u need to pay more attention laddyDetails
  13. Well, here goes: WE LOST HIM!!!! Gus and I went to pick him up on Sunday moring from his house after Abby had "dropped" him home Sat night, and he he was no where to be seen!! If anyone has him could you please give back in a clean and undefiled manner it would be much appreciated. Unfortunately Gus and I are to poor(students) to pony up for reward money, but im sure Gus can make some sort of "payment" to anyone that brings him back, we dont mind if he has no limbs.... Thanks for any help!
  14. dave

    Jamex Springs

    They are not the same springs that Andy and Gus have. Those two both have the 40mm Progressive's. The 60mm's are the superlow's which Angus took out of his car
  15. by gone he means he sprayed them white... to see how much of a homo he could look like
  16. no the one we have is fine... and there are no problems with waiting they were jus closed for a short period.... i have some ordered pick them up monday so tim and who ever else i will send you some, or if ur in auckland i will meet you!
  17. dave


  18. mmmmm how bout lots of pretty pics of your car
  19. dave


    my car reeks of sh*t - its a given. its Catherine! and ima score her first
  20. dave


    does that price include front and rear seats? on the 2-door?
  21. you got a manual sunroof winder? and if either are 2 door. how are the door cards? what colours are they?
  22. dave

    Attention from cops

    nice to see what you think of me!!! btw - as soon as i finish work tonight im going straight home to sit down and add you to my death list as i try out my new makeup and sharpen my chef knives!! hmm your Chef Knives have your name engraved on them .. what a weapon! dead people are reasonably hard to question about the weapon??
  23. dave

    Attention from cops

    nice to see what you think of me!!! btw - as soon as i finish work tonight im going straight home to sit down and add you to my death list as i try out my new makeup and sharpen my chef knives!!
  24. dave


    join the club, ur best going for a replica,anyhow try www.n1kits.com... they a nz site under e30 they have a picture of mtec 2 however i am not so sure it actually would be? or they could just be using the picture and having a fugly replica actually for sale, so you can only go in to see.
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