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Posts posted by Mark

  1. Dude, just be patient. The right car will eventually come up for sale.

    These are 25 year old cars. Having an attitude of "I must have on right now" will only end in tears if you buy the first one you see.

    Also, Christmas is the worst time to buy a collectible car. It's summer, it's hot, it's great driving weather, cars which are the pride and joy of their owners come out of the garage for the first time in months and they fall in love with their machines all over again.

    Best time to buy a car? February; when the overspending from Christmas and the New Year begins to sink in. Or in winter; when the car is stuck taking up space in the garage and nagging wives are on husband's backs, pressuring them to sell to pay for bathroom renovations.

    My advice. Sit back, keep an eye on the forums, Trademe and your local classifieds. Then, read up all you can on E30's so you're an expert on them. You'll know the right car when you see it and chances are, you'll pay less for it because you're not desperate to have one right this instant.

    Good luck.

  2. 318ti M42 has trouble starting when warm - will start then stall immediately unless you keep revs up. From cold it starts roughly and revs surge for a while until settling into a steady idle. I'm assuming this is a failed camshaft position sensor or a vacuum leak somewhere?

  3. Yeah not having a dig at the guy (not into that) I just found the pull up outside and his mates giving him crap about the grand entrance ammusing :) you had to be there I guess.

    This guy appeared in a TV and billboard campaign a couple of years back for Haier appliances. I can't find the exact ad, but in it he says "Why would I spend money on an expensive fridge? I'd rather save my money for things I want, like a black 80's BMW convertible". .... or something along those lines.

    Guess he got the car then! Haha!

    Posted Image

  4. Please stop posting more threads on this car. Sure you'll eventually find someone on Trademe willing to pay what you want for it. Don't think you'll have much luck here because we all know the car, it's history and it's previous sale prices well.


  5. Cleaning out the garage and found some stuff from my old E30 that someone may be keen on.

    Genuine E30 M-Technic Springs. Marked with part no. 31 33 1 130 046. Will lower a standard height 6 cyl E30 by 20mm all round. $80


    Brand new unused E30 external temp sensor, for cars with full OBC. This will fix your temperature readout if it's inaccurate. Comes with installation instructions. $20


  6. Hi guys. Wondering if anyone would know why I have a slight shudder at the rear end when i take my foot of the gas and begin to decelerate. It's a E36 325i with the m50 motor.

    Also whenever I turn a sharpish right at a reasonable speed (eg 80k's) the left rear will shudder/feel like it's starting to bounce around on the road.. Could these 2 issues be related? Or could it be a suspension issue. I haven't had the car up on a hoist to check yet.

    Oh yeah, it has 17" BBS wheels, and it doesn't have hubcentric rings, could this be the cause of the 2 issues?

    Take a look at your rear shock mounts. Also, check all suspension bushes for wear.

  7. Crappy update time,

    Found this on TM... proper 5 series fitment Tech II.


    Now to get it running again, fuel pump is dead and so is battery. Just gonna have it towed to the mechanic to get everything sorted so I can start driving it in this nice weather.

  8. Err..how's it not false advertising? the front and rear lips are just aftermarket rubbish tacked onto stock bumpers. The only thing Schnitzer about the car are the stickers from what I can see.

    The additions to the bumpers are genuine Schnitzer parts, I used to have them on my old E36. Apart from that its a stock 325i, worth about 3-4k.

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