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Everything posted by 1N STYL

  1. 1N STYL

    LSDs -

    um how do i find out what mine is?
  2. 1N STYL

    Window tinting

    yeah i looked it up, next to mag and turbo :thumb:
  3. 1N STYL

    LSDs -

    I have nfi what u are talknig about but i really want a lower ratio 318 dif for my car...if thats what ur talking about
  4. 1N STYL

    Window tinting

    dw its fixed it was because i wasn't using internet explorer
  5. 1N STYL

    Window tinting

    oh shut up, in all my forum membership, i proberly have clsoe to 2500 posts, i meant the site it self wasn't working...i was already at that site before u posted.when i go to it, it just say "loading..." forever wow i just notice its been open over night and still "loading..."
  6. 1N STYL

    Window tinting

    www.tintacar.co.nz something wrong with that site " there is a tint-a-car place on the shore on wairau road" sweet thanks i'll look em up tomz :thumb: :mosh:
  7. if you can beat the system then good on ya. by the way the quote on my car, is alredy at an estimate of $3K plus (there computers are down still...thats like over 2weeks, i don't know how they run the place...so i still don't have exact numbers), and then $1500 excess so that blows yours "no more than $2K" theroy out the window, and thats not including the exhaust and suspension anyways stay on topic....soz
  8. can any1 recomend a window tinter...preffer on the North Shore, and post a web site please if u know it. Also any1 know of any new tints that might look cool on my car, eg chrome/sliver fading into black? cheers -Andrew-
  9. i got a ticket last year and the cop, didn't fill in vechicle yeat make or model or the rego...and it was expired WOF so of course it waived
  10. 5K1PPY...I lived in OZ for a bit BIG EGO DR HYDE GIFTID HOORAH PLAYED 2LO4ME ... Not at the moment but maybe later BOY TOI CHKB8T OFFEND TEASED UP RISE
  11. 1N STYL

    White bottlecaps

    hehe look like rally wheels
  12. well pretty much the one i'm most keen on is 1N STYL now part 2...can any one think of a smart witty message to go on it? my mate just came up with I B PMPN i be pimping....but its kinda wanky maybe...thoughts?
  13. OMG you have driven behind me a few times
  14. 1N STYL


    all the fiber glass obsorbstion thing is smash behind the bumper, the exhaust is heaps further foward, and one side of car sits 15mm higher than the other. Wanna like add another few digets to ur estimate?
  15. oh my bad...yeah i forgot about my user name LMAO i'm an idiot. well if no can think of anythign better, might think about that one
  16. what about E36STZ just one question wats STZ? I'm an idiot what 1N STYL or SMIK NO 3 RYD - no free ride
  17. what did people think of 3 SIM 3 3SOME 3 BMSPRT M SPRT are the 1st out of place on BMW just trying to play on 3series
  18. just worried about ppl dmaging the car just cause of the plate.like i get flipped out and evil looks all the time from people, so just kinda want a plate that wont piss people off anymore, espeacially that ladies husband (jokes they are in Aus, so its all gravy baby)
  19. OH yeah i would never ever ever put one of those joking plates on my car
  20. 1N STYL


    lol i'm not uptight, i'll get the money for it his insurance only covers him driving cars that are not already insured. but the merc was insured...sweet...but merc don't know he was driving it, they think it was his boss. so thats screwed, i'm just putting it onto my insurance, and then my insurance company can get the money from him. I wouldn't have cared as much if it was like a young kid who can't afford a nice newer car with good breaks that couldn't stop in time...but it was one of the best merc's around that could out break my car on any given sunday, and the driver was just f**king around not paying attention, thats why i'm/was cranky And i have had a bigger crash than probably any1 else on this site invloving a $35K court case. ( could have got an E46 instead), wrote another car off, $10+K damage to my car (not the bmw) and put a lady in hostpital with broken back pelvus and legs.
  21. it doesn't really what i think or what any1 else thinks on this fourm, its what the pig that pulls u over thinks
  22. can you guys help me, i can only do the boy racer plates not the classy plates i got: 3 SIM 3 3SOME 3 BMSPRT M SPRT JOKING PLATES: PIMP BM UR0 PL8 ... NOW THATS A EURO PLATE 4 UR YF/ 4 UR WYF...MUM B8...WYF B8...mates ideaS after i pulled a 37yr old married mother of 3 (i'm 19 btw) DAD IOU/ASB IOU...Just joking BUY XTC PMP U EZ 2 FN PMP BND OVA I'LL THINK OG MORE GAY 1'S LATER
  23. Does that include hot chicks driving?, and other mint Cars, and sweet wheels, and hot chicks driving and hot chicks driving, did i ask about hot chicks?
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