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Everything posted by Braeden320

  1. Really enjoying the bmw. although it is only a 320i it goes well enough for me, love the smoothness of a 6cylinder, don't feel buggered after long drives etc, I find that it handles well, but not as good as my old primera, which was on rails! as was Revvl im sure! All in all a great car and good value for money i feel. Im sure a 328i Manual would be a supurb car, the one you are looking at sounds good. Good luck.
  2. Its funny, everyone's saying its a useless weird topic(including myself) but 23 people have voted!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Yup for sure...Pretty weird!
  4. Hi Andy, Braeden here, used to be on NZPCC Forums when i had the mera Good luck mate!hope you find what you are looking for. If you are interested in that M3 evo i can have a look for you, as it is in Palmy.
  5. Braeden320

    New Toy

    Supurb Example! Will look great with a wee drop and those wheels you are looking at would look hot!
  6. Mate, Get what you are happy with.Cause at the end of the day its you thats gotta drive it. 323,325,328 they all go well,handle mint and represent supurb value for money in my veiw.best of luck to you.
  7. I have a 320i and my old man has a 323i both e36, personally i find the 323i has plenty of get up at go! and very long legs:)
  8. Braeden320


    Nice and clean!not over the top!loving the black grill
  9. Sweet! Could'nt find the challenge though? i typed "BimmerSport" in the challenge feild.have all others found it? Sorry for being a complete N00B at Virtual Rugby
  10. sweet.added you both! would many people be keen on a bimmersport challenge!?
  11. Email address [email protected] i had'nt made my name public. Should be sweet now?
  12. Anyone else participating? First game is this weekend My user name is braeden Link Here
  13. Click Here Some of you may have seen it before.
  14. Nice article Jimbo!!! So true tho..
  15. How much would you like for the e36 spolier...and would you ship it to palmerston north. Might be kean
  16. Consumer Garuntees Act FTW! depending where you brought it of course. When i brought mine the airbag sensor under the passengers sent f**ked out and brought up a fault on the dash, cost just under a grand to fix at Jeff Grey Bmw but the car yard i brought it off paid.
  17. Beautiful example..Good Luck with the sale, hope you get what your looking for
  18. If Anyone thats not close wants these and needs them stored till you can arrange shipping or pickup can be arranged, im in Palmerston North and more than happy to help.
  19. Interesting topic you have posted up...Here a my thoughts. Don't take any of this personally anyone! Firstly, what is your personal perception of BMW? What makes the cars so good? What do you love about them? Good Build Quality and easy to travel in. I can hop in my car drive to hamilton or tauraunga for a meeting and drive home - and not be buggered. Secondly, how do you think BMW is regarded New Zealand wide and partcularly by non-BMW owners/drivers? Overpriced, Possibly snobby How do you think people in NZ see BMW drivers? Someone who appriciates a quality motorcar, and has the money to purchase it. However this is not true as you can purchase late model bmws for a fair price now Thirdly, what do you think of BMW advertising/marketing? Did it have an effect on your car choice? How do you think they could advertise/market themselves better? Never Taken any notice of it. My veiw is that Bmws are a good quality affordable car that represent huge value for money,when purchased second hand.
  20. Well said mate, well said. Totally in agrement. On a side note, Did any of you see motorway patrol last night? 1 bloke had 32k in fines and all he could say was "fcuk the police" that 32k could be a dam good deposit on a house, but he would rather waste it driving his POS around getting tickets every couple of hours!!! Anyway thats my rant!
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