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Sammy J

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Posts posted by Sammy J

  1. OK Everybody,

    The lips are available at $210 a piece. Anyone that is keen please PM me with you city and i will get a quote from the post shop and i will give you my details.

    People in CHCH i can deliver them or meet you somewhere with them.



  2. well its going to be about 2G once i get all the lines and brackets made up. But im making a few sets of lines and brackets to sell to work with the same calipers and discs. Pretty much i hope to be able to supply a complete bolt on kit

  3. Trip was awesome fun! And im mad keen for a ride:D if you text me on 0272618440 we can organize a time.

    Well i have photos but no video as i had to take the radiator out and didnt get to put it back in today. Video is defiantly coming tho!

    things done since last photos are the wiring box, radiator tank etc etc














  4. well im back from my trip to the states which was amazing. We rode 8500Km in 20 days from coast to coast and had many adventures along the way. the hottest day was 47*C in vegas!!

    Anyway back to the bmw stuff.

    THE BEAST RUNS! i had a radiator made and alll the oil cooler lines made etc. wiring is all finished and i now know what im doing for a master cylinder and booster after messiing around with a few things.

    All the fluids have been changed etc new filters and A/C has been re gassed.

    Fresh from the states is my wilwood parts for a kit im making.

    Photos to come in the next day or two with a video if people are keen.

    Stilll having diff problems though, its really holding me up. I bought a 2.93 med case diff out of an e28 525e but i cant get my lsd pack to fit.

    anyone have any ideas as to what i can do?

    Everthings pretty much done now i just have to fit the front brakes get the diff sorted, fit driveshaft, get exhause made then cert.

    Sooooo keen.

    Also when the next track day at ruapuna?

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