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Everything posted by Dnz

  1. But is a bmw without a bmw engine, in fact a bmw? The engine is obviously the most important part of the car. The heart..
  2. You are clearly a genius.Its utterly wrong. Its like a frankenstein car.. or even better.. DO YOU WANT TO BE DRIVING WITH THE ELEPHANTMAN? I think not. Stay true, go bmw!
  3. Dnz


  4. a premium IF you find a buyer - theres a reason theres only auto's coming into the country... But yeah, let us know what it costs!
  5. Dnz

    My ride

    Make sure its not.. well a plate which is..not cool. Anything implying speed or women or money, is clearly..well LAME.
  6. Napier E36 - let me know what price he gives ya.. would be good to know! Manual would probably decrease the resale price, as auto would actually be better as it can attract a larger market..
  7. Dnz

    AA Mods

    awww...alpine white. I need it. NEED IT.
  8. Dnz

    AA Mods

    So yeah, i found out that the AA tuning package of the Chip, CAI and Gen 3 exhaust (which costs like 1100US) would have a shipping charge of... Wait for it... SIX HUNDRED US DOLLARS. Yeah. The guy who told me that also knew it was crazy so said i should probably try and get them somewhere else in the future. So yeah i reckon ill be asking homy for his hookups to see if they can bring me the goodies later on this year Oh and heres a question - would CAI and exhaust be at all affected by the change from left hand drive to right hand drive? I fear the CAI might.. Anyway heres some pictures for future motivation.
  9. Dnz


    wait a second.. where DID he put the body?
  10. Bottlecaps are what the stocks are called http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....topic=399&st=0& Theres some. They actually look very good on this car! And well..they look similar to..bottlecaps. Hence the name!
  11. Dnz

    Help me decide

    essens in chrome are better than.. the gunmetal stuff.
  12. Dnz

    Help me decide

    BBS RD's in 17 look good
  13. Dnz

    Help me decide

    heres a useful tool. Hope the link works. http://www.tirerack.com/upgrade_garage/Whe...=&autoYear=1988 Coz i like none of the ones you put up there.
  14. Dnz

    Spot the diff

    Tints make it look better, but dont go overoard. Today i drove past a guy who had it.. well looking like a mirror, with one window down.. Its pretty lame...
  15. Please read this. Its an incredibly valuable read for anyone who is looking at getting, or has an E36! http://bimmer.roadfly.org/bmw/forums/e36/f...=4438155&page=1 Maybe we should sticky this? Its very informative..
  16. Get some 5 spoke wheels or something!
  17. Dnz


    Extra points for those wheels! SWEET!
  18. Ever heard of trademe.co.nz? Just go sell em on there.. Whatcha gonna use the money for? *please something not chrome, please something not chrome*
  19. Dnz

    Full E30 325i Exhaust

    Some civic owner is dying to have that exhaust. Clearly you should swap it, or get some money for it.. Have you been looking for a job? Low unemployment would mean its easy for you to find a job - are you too cool to work at Mc donalds? (BURGER KING WOULD BE BETTER)
  20. Dnz

    Full E30 325i Exhaust

    *cough* rice *cough* WHY a milo can. WHY! Fart can exhausts are SO not bmw.
  21. I was thinking the other day, the type of people hanging around that car fe place.. well it looks dodgy. I wouldnt let anyone touch my car but me. I say go watch what they do before you go there.
  22. Dnz

    Car Polish??

    meguiars is good. Cleans and puts on the wax.. Carnauba is good..
  23. YOURE BLOCKING THE CARS MAN! How rude. hahah Pretty cool - should get some better scenery though - lord of the rings sorta stuff!
  24. Told ya my gift would be handy. http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....owtopic=336&hl=
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