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About jharry

  • Rank
    1st Gear
  • Birthday 05/01/1972

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    F10 528i 2011

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  1. Ended up buying a 2011 528i sedan instead.
  2. Thanks for your thoughts. Appreciate it. Got a service at the BMW dealership yesterday and they tell me my car is all good. Which doesn't help make up my mind. But at least the car probably won't be worthless in the next 6 months. Think the problem is the upgrade I want will cost a touch over $30k not $25. Which I can stretch to, just need to recalibrate my thinking. Hoping that will get me a tidy 420i/428i gran coupe. Cheers
  3. Hi. Warning long story ahead. Looking for advice as I keep going around in circles. I have an 2005 325i E91 wagon which I got about 5 years ago. It was an import from Japan with 80k on the clock. Non msport so has wood dash (wrapped it in matte black vinyl). It came with full service history and I've kept up the maintenance since. It has 135000 now. It has had a few issues. Water pump went and rear bearings and the odd other thing along the way so I feel I've pumped a bit of $$$ into it but I have no regrets as it has been and still is a great car. But.... I feel like I held on to my previous car too long. It was a E36 325i. Many things started failing and I spent a lot of time and money on keeping it alive untill I eventually sold it for scrap. I don't want repeat that mistake. I love BMWs but I'm a busy man and not particularly mechanical so need a car that doesn't require me to open the hood. But happy to pay the price of owning and maintaining a quality car. So.... Do I hold on to it and suck up the cost of maintenance....will it fall apart like my E36? Can I wait a few years and go hybrid? 330e or something. Or should I get an f30. Considering a GT as a compromise between looks and practicality as Mrs won't let me get coupe/sedan. Will it feel like enough if an upgrade to justify spending 25k minus whatever I get for my wagon? Test drove a 320d f30 msport wagon at that price point and it was nice enough but didn't seem like a massive upgrade and I think E90 wagons are better looking. Included pic of my current ride. Any advice appreciated 🙂.
  4. No tramlining that I've noticed, car handles great. Will investigate the wheel thing. Is that potentially uncool? There's a bit more to the misfire story. First thing I did after buying it was check the oil level at the Gasoline Alley down the road. Turns out the attendant didn't put the dipstick back in properly causing a massive vacuum leak. Took me a few days to figure what the problem was. Probably fouled up the plugs then.
  5. Hi all. Just purchased a 1992 e36 325i manual a coupe of weeks ago. Got off to a rocky start after filling it up with 91 like it said on on the petrol flap. This car does not like 91! After replacing 6 fouled spark plugs and a tank of 98 the car is almost back to how it was when I test drove it. Loving the car (now the misfiring is settling down). Looking at slowly tidying it up and keeping it fairly original. Here's some pics.
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