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Posts posted by Jacko

  1. Wondering if anyone can recommend me an insurer, 85 Tech1 e30 coupe with M50 swap etc.

    Wanting an agreed value policy, that isnt gonna screw me if it all turns pear shaped (ie state....)

    Have clean full license, no crashes etc and am 28.

    Most of the regular insurers wont cover me due to the non standard car, and NAC dont do agreed value.

    Any recommendations, maybe a broker is the go.

  2. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=317326183

    This monster was created to win a design and engineering challenge, it smoked the competition!

    Since winning the trike has been from auckland to cape reinga and back, 1072km, so it is VERY well proven (in addition to the curbs we jumped with it!) Its got over 1300km of testing and racing on it ;)

    50% of the proceeds of the auction go to child cancer, the bike has already generated $2600 in prize money and sponsorship for child cancer, the auction of it is the final lump to them. The other 50% of the price goes into making Mk2 for next years challenge.

    Its awesome to ride BTW, like pedalling a roll cage! Sits low, corners hard!

    Montage Vid of the build and its first win

    Much appreciation for pumping this auction up as hard as you can. We wanna break 4k to charity.

  3. Loctite 243. Use new studs and nuts as well

    Will do, thanks.

    C5A on the nuts?

    Looking at realoem the nuts are supposed to be copper? Mine are definitly steel, which is probably why it was so easy to remove the studs :D

  4. Hey, I managed to wind out all but two of my exhaust studs out of the M50's head, wondering if anyone has a preferred thread locker for when I bang them back in. Im a loctite hoe, but cant think of one that'll take uber temperature, does the flange/studs even get that hot?. Or is there another product to use?

  5. Nah the clio one is a smaller diameter, fits the E30 master cylinder and the mount bolts are the same

    Lots of different radiator options, im using a E36 328i one with built in tank. You will have to go electric fan, theres no clearance at the front of the engine, so fan goes on front side of radiator.

    Whats the Z3 for?

  6. Dash - Full of cracks, but the vents are still good! - Free ;)

    4 spoke steering wheel, good nick - $20

    NIB Steering rack end - $30

    Coupe front seats (not recaros), Drivers side bum pad is totally shagged (needs recovering/seat cover), other than that they are not bad - Free

  7. Sweet as.

    Successfully (well it looks right) hacked out the alarm.

    This is the random plug, its behind the cylinder head up against the firewall, runs along the top of the engine loom -

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    The 3 wires up the A pillar are still unknown, car has the checklights and electric sunroof, but they run up the passengers A pillar, and they all work anyway. Im guessing it may be remants of an old cop detector, as there is some sorta random bracket attached next to the check lights.

    EDIT -

    For anyone who cares, ive never read this before, but theres some difference between a facelift and p/facelift dash. Flift dash loom has male plug, P/flift has female loom plug, and the glove box catch brackets between the too are slightly different (took me awhile to figure out why it wouldnt close :D )

  8. that looks like my underdash wiring :o have to get a new under-dash loom one of these days haha

    The dash I bought came with a loom attached, just the one the runs along the top, but the plugs dont seem to match the old dashes one, so Ill play swapsies. If you want this one its all yours, guessing its out of a newer model than mine.

    Got a whole swag of wire splices and am gonna start chopping obviously wrong shed out tommorrow, hopefully through ellimination it gets simpler too look at, and makes some sense. Fingers crossed :o

    Still totally confused about the 3 wires that run up the A pillar, and the random plug thats against the firewall on the engine side.

    I never realised how many bulbs there are under the dash, nearly all of mine are blown. Its gonna look like a friggin christmas tree once finished B)

  9. I knew there was an alarm installed in my car due to the siren under the bonnet, but its never worked while ive owned it, so thats the last I thought of it, apart from thinking I should pull that out some day.

    Roll on Dash swap day, and hello, some clown has made a mess of my cars wiring.

    Can someone help identify whats needed, whats alarm rubbish, and WTF ? :huh:

    This is what we have to deal with -

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    Stereo stuff (my guess is 3 different stereo installs, easy to sort out)

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    Whats this plug, and why is not plugged into anything?

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    What was plugged into the alarm box, Im pretty sure I can cut most of this shizzle out. Any idea what the green white with red band wire is? upper left of the first pic.

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    These jumped heavy gauge wires dont look factory :P, but they seem to end up at factory wiring, so I should be able to just remove them and stick the factory wiring back together.

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    Is this wire here factory? it runs from the fusebox right into the alarm loom. Im guessing I can ditch it.

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    This cut wire (3 wires) was jammed under the DME mounting screws, any idea what its for? Its runs up the drivers A pilar

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    Im impressed that the whole alarm install was done by twisting wires :D including the wiring for alarm loom off the battery terminals

    Cheers for any guidance on whats what.

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