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Everything posted by e30plz

  1. I'd do it if I had the $. I wanna see them on an E30.
  2. Lol sssh the owner is on here ^ The wheels would go nice on an E30.
  3. e30plz

    my e30

    That's retarded, just keep your door trims it looks cool with the black rims and black trim. Black everything tbh.
  4. Loose RWDs ftw. RWD>All, noob.
  5. Have a look on TradeMe, it's not that hard.
  6. Yeah I reckon it's mean. Except for the boot which is fail as.
  7. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-251299688.htm I'm not sure with this Primera, the rear E46 lights are fail as. But 200kw and RWD is pretty sweet.
  8. I don't think it is sir, looking closely at the main photo it appears to be a B18A.
  9. That's why Motorola added a password/pin to the keypad lock to keep out nosey females.
  10. Driftit/Dan still owns them.
  11. Bit of a coincidence that they sold now. He prob saw this thread.
  12. Those 17" RS would be amazing on an E30. Too much work to fit them, be worth it tho.
  13. e30plz

    bumper prep

    Looks good. Are you swapping the Zender front off for Tech1?
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