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Everything posted by e30plz

  1. e30plz

    JiB's POS

    VW Lip!? Where..
  2. Oh, Saw that at the end of one of your other videos, Wasnt really losing traction lolol.
  3. You sure do some funny sh*t, More videos? Haha.
  4. It's a mean thread. Here's me doing skids on my driveway - Link. Isn't my e-penis huge.
  5. Real men do skids on gravel.
  6. e30plz

    Quick Questions

    Black>Chrome, So all good. Shot boss.
  7. e30plz

    Quick Questions

    Are E30 doors different between PFL & FL?
  8. ^ What he said, However your 316i badge would be acceptable. It's looking good.. I like those wheels alot.
  9. Nice car btw, 1987 320i Manuals are awesome
  10. ^ What he said, Need lower offset.
  11. Yeap, See it most days. The number of BMWs up here has grown heaps in the last little while huh.
  12. Paint them orange too.
  13. Dont worry, You'll be back, There's nothing like an E30 D:
  14. Keep it BMW and do a M20B25 like Quailboy suggested, Or if you have the skills & money, M50B25.
  15. Niiiiiice pics. That V12 is aweeeesome.
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