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Posts posted by pjay

  1. Dirty car hipster. Go sit in Ponsonby with your Ipad and skinny Jeans. :P

    I can't agree more! As much as I hate to admit it, it is another form of hipsterism/scene kids. Won't catch me in Ponsonby though - or with an iPad, I'll be drinking a beer out West Auckland tonight to old Rusty.

    I'd forgotten about it already.

    If you ever finish the 46'ified E30 of of yours Westy, I'm sure you'll have Rusty status here in NZ.

  2. It started out absolutely immaculate, then unfortunately was T-Boned by a truck. Instead of scrap the car and start again, it developed into something people would never have imagined. Never mind the rust and Japanese engine and air bags - all the custom fabrication (A lot he did himself) that went into this was pretty much wow. From the body drop to the gold plated Ronal rare as rocking horse sh*t wheels.

    Call it crappy look all you want, you're entitled to dislike and I'm pretty sure you realise this just fuels the fire of the general Auto hipster that states "Haters gon' hate". This car will be known for years and years and years to come regardless of good or bad - it will be remembered. That's more than most of us could achieve with a single chassis.

    I will always see Rusty as an inspiration and a trend setter - and Mike Burroughs is the name behind it. I can't wait for the next build!

  3. What I don't get is when I was 10-13 I was playing Sega, building huts in the bush, exploring the creek, floating down the creek, playing outside etc etc for fun.

    Nowdays I see kids around the same age hitting the booze instead of doing the stuff I did when I was their age? What's up with that.

  4. Absolute very first thing I would do upon collecting money would be to walk on into the Porsche dealership and request to test drive a GT2/3 dressed as myself - A 23yo jeans and tshirt wearing fellow.

    If they take me seriously, I'll fill out some papers and order one on the spot to my specs. If not, I'll produce my current account balance on a laptop I conveniently have with me. Laugh at the astonished look on his face and walk.

    That would be the very first thing I would do. Maybe Lamborghini too, just for giggles.

    Honestly I'd probably talk to a financial adviser and leave my mother with around 5 mil she can hide away from me so I'm still ok once I squander the rest away. Mum's responsible, I am definitely not.

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