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Posts posted by pjay

  1. Is this actually mikes though? Thought that dog had his day

    I’m probably most known for a car I put together which goes by the name of Rusty Slammington. He’s a bit “out there†and not traditional in any sense, and unfortunately, a large number of people have decided to hold that against me, ignoring cars like my E36, and E24 I once owned.

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Errr it looks to be a standard car with some flashy wheels.

    So do most BMWs that are widely accepted by the purist of pure.

  2. Just got a message in my FB inbox:

    E' con grande commozione che vi annuncio che ieri alla Rieti-Terminillo il nostro Georg ha avuto un grave incidente, uno schianto a oltre 200 km/h contro il costone della montagna. Purtroppo ora non è più tra noi. Nello strazio di questa notizia, affranto e commosso, vi chiedo di pregare per lui. Arrivederci Georg, riposa in pace.

    Which translates to:

    And 'with great emotion that I announce that yesterday our Terminillo Rieti-Georg had a serious accident, a crash at 200 km / h against the ridge of the mountain. Unfortunately this is no longer among us. In the agony of this news, broken and moved, I ask you to pray for him. Goodbye George, rest in peace.

    This is pretty heavy news for the Hillclimb world and anyone who has fallen in love with the Judd symphony. Rest in peace Georg.

    Some of his final recorded footage in the 134:

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