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Posts posted by dreadful1

  1. Wow this thread has heated up quite abit.

    I still reckon you could of bought another GTI stock and got some adjusties and some nice wheels for it and it would still end up cheaper! providing you do the work yourself.

    Spotted you today haha, I could tell from your driving that you were very excited about your new car and your turbo haha! But its looking good. I had a little soft spot for GTIs.

  2. Nice car, but yes I agree with lucan about not touching it without a cert, there could be so many little things that doesnt show on the outside. Did you end up getting a cert for it?

    Go on ebay and get yourself a more sporty bumper! My friend has an r32 bumper and IMO they look great.

  3. Hey,

    I've had this problem for a long time now in my e36 but I haven't really bothered to fix it or anything but now since its getting colder its really getting on my nerves...

    Well heres the problem:

    when I want to turn the heater on, I turn the dials (not the electronic heater panel) to the hottest setting on both of them then I would turn the dial where it has like "windscreen" "footwell" and "face" to direct the air.

    I've noticed that the heat comes out of the windscreen mode and the footwell mode but soon as I turn it to the "face" mode all the air suddenly becomes cold even when the dials are set to the hottest setting..

    I was just wondering if anyone has encountered this problem or know a fix to it or maybe a reason why it would do that?

    Also noticed that the power of the air isn't that strong, I think thats my cabin filter getting clogged as it hasn't been changed since my car was bought new...



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