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Posts posted by Jimocles

  1. you need a rag a pillow and some beer

    wipe down all the areas you suspect the leak is coming from

    lie down under car (see pillow)

    open beer and wait, when significant other gives you grief you can say honestly that you are doing vital trouble shooting on your pride and joy.

  2. Big ups to UPS

    they were awesome.

    I had a cheque sent over from the states and I wasn't home when they tried to deliver it, I had to be in AKL the next day and they sent it up overnight so I could get it there at the airport. after checking if any of their staff lived out my way to see if they could drop it off.

    very impressed

  3. had my keys go missing in Palmy along with my cellphone

    6hours and $400 later I had a new key

    and could finally go home

    all in all a really crappy day

    on the plus side, it took a locksmith 3 hours just to get into the car

    short of smashing the windows, you can't get into these bad boys easily

    so the Moral is Have a spare key, dont just keep thinking "oh I must get round to that"

  4. The only right answer is.....

    best tyre's go to the back

    and here's why

    having the good tyres on the front (on a RWD)

    will give you better turn in and front grip no question

    but, most of your feel comes through the steering

    if your fronts start to slip its easy to button off and regain control

    but if your rears are more worn than the front you will be tempted to

    turn in to corners faster than the rears will be able to handle

    resulting in loss of traction at best, hideous spin into a lamppost at worst

    granted loss of traction at rear is quite fun, but for better control of your car

    put the goodies at the back

    The Proof

    "shameless name dropping bit ahead"

    1. I was having breakfast with Jim Richards this morning and asked him that

    and that was the answer he gave me, so I'm willing to take it as gospel

    especially seeing he's a slightly better driver than I dream I am.

    2. I work for Dunlop Motorsport, and see every tyre placement theory under the sun, and have yet to see any thing to make me change my opinion.

    3. I couldnt care less about FWD cars so sorry no words of wisdom there

    (although its the same, best to the back)

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