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About cainchapman

  • Rank
    7th Gear
  • Birthday 02/17/1971

Previous Fields

  • Name
    Cain Chapman
  • Location
  • Car
    2009 VW GTI
  • Mods List
    retuned by Torque Performance
  • Car 2
    2005 V8 Touareg

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  • Interests
    Motorsport, Rugby, Cricket

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  1. Best Classic meeting in the North Island ever. Well done to all those who have brought their magnificent cars out.
  2. No plans to replace it just yet. If I change jobs and get a car allowance, I'll look again. The VW is going just fine. 40,000km today in just under 11 months. Imagine if I drove it more than 2 weeks a month.
  3. Simon, do tell us you got passed that Mazda!
  4. It's a crock. Unless you have an F1 car or a jet fighter. And they do it not for the pressure loss, but for the fact that it doesn't add Oxygen to an extremely hot part and aid in causing a fire. If you expect to have your car this hot around the wheel, maybe it's a good investment. Otherwise......
  5. And I'd bet it stopped faster that time. I might well be the fastest stopping car Autocar have tested.
  6. Hey, I've got photos of that car! Well done Ray.
  7. Hi Guys, the AA wouldn't negotiate me buying the car back. I believe it is at Turners Damaged Vehicle auction tomorrow. Have fun. Let me know where it goes.
  8. Cruise control didn't disengage as I hit the brake coming off at Market Rd heading North. Hit the brakes 3 more times. No slowing down. Decided to yank the handbrake on and drive it into the very small piece of the bridge able to withstand the impact. Inertia spun the car and I hit the pole in the intersection with the right hand rear and the front swung a round and mounted the kerb. Taadaa. Dismount complete and successful.
  9. cainchapman

    HB Simon

    Happy Birthday Simon. Even if you did ring me earlier, so I could wish it to you. See you tomorrow or Monday.
  10. And conversely, hardly any of the North Island cars can be bothered traveling to the decent classic meetings. Conrad made the effort. Well done mate. Tracks are more fun to drive down there too.
  11. Agreed Value. I'll be fine. But thanks for all the concern. Great advertisement for how well built they are.
  12. Yes, I'm all good. Guess I won't make the track day on Friday. Can I bring the VW? Are diesel wagons allowed? More aerodynamic, so Volvo reckoned.
  13. I was the only occupant. I am fine. Thanks. I chose to hit the side of the off ramp as the other option was a Dukes of Hazard entry down into the train station 10m below. Testament to the strength of a BMW (and an old one too), that was a 100kph head on into the wall. I haven't even got a bruise. And I'll wait until the insurance has been sorted before I comment any further on here. Lucky, I've got more cars.
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