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Posts posted by bellicose

  1. For 30 bucks, I don't know why you wouldn't just get the BMW stuff. I don't believe that if you got the correct code there would be any variance, (save for fading).


    Which one would you choose?

    The standard one?

    The yellower one? (Y)

    The darker one? (D)

    You'd be pretty pissed if you picked the std one and your car was done with the darker one.

    Keep in mind theese are just the PPG ones i found in 30 sec's of looking in my books. Now imagine the variants from DuPont, Sikkens, Spies Hecker, Glasurit, DeBeer, Metalux, Fortec.................the list goes on.


  2. Getting a bit off topic there! It's all good people.

    It's delphin metallic I'm afraid so I can't make use of that comos. I'll give Colourworks a visit since they are literally just down the road from me.

    Take car OR a clean piece of car (fuel filler flap) with you. Make sure when they make the colour they check it against the colour of your car (flap)

    Don't let them say "It'll be ok mate, you'll never know the difference"

  3. The stuff BMW supply then. Come on, that should be obvious.

    That still won't guaranty it's the correct colour.

    BMW has over the last 20 years changed their paint OEM at least 3 times, and each paint manufacturer will have at least 3 variants for the same colour, so right off the bat you have 6 variants of one colour. Which one would BMW have in stock and will it be the correct one for your car?

    As an example, Nissan colour 'Passion Rose Pearl', PPG has 22 variants of that colour and that's only one of probably 10 paint manufacturers globally that can produce that colour.

  4. I'm not 100% sure how reliable they are compared to proper BMW stuff.

    Huh? What do you mean "proper BMW stuff"? You do know BMW don't 'make' the touch up paint aye?

    I can "make" Rolls Royce" paint with what paint i have in my shed if i wanted.

  5. Hey all, anybody tell me what (approx) value of this would be.

    '98 E38 730 (V8).


    Not running, owner has no idea why but was running 2 years ago but he went overseas for 2 years now no go.

    Only redeeming feature i can see at the mo' is set of 18' LM rep's ( could be real but haven't had a good look)


  6. Looks good in the green, the HULK. Got it sorted, just had to get some primer that would take the heat. V6 or V8 Bellicose?

    EDIT: I have the paint, but just remembered you were quite handy with an airbrush? If I sent them up what would you charge to do a mean Holdy design or something on them?

    Yeah it's VE Commodore Atomic Mica, but instead of using factory specified grey base colour (the coloured primer) i used a lime green similar to a Kawasaki green, then put Atomic over that, the gold, green & blue pearls really pop now.

    I don't know mate, i'd say $100, that includes clearing over the top.

    This is the back view of mine to show what i did with the bumperettes because i HATE the factory ones haha, will be fitting a wagon back bar soon as i want the rear nice and clean.

    PS: The spraygun on the tailgate is painted on not a sticker.


  7. There were a few people in NZ trying (emphasis on trying) to do this with VERY mixed results.

    It is VERY expensive to set up to do this and the amount of work you have to do to recoup costs is HUGE.

    Last time i looked into it it was $4000 USD just for the equipment and a few gallons of product, and as can be seen in assorted videos the wastage is horrific.

    The originators.


    The copy cats.


    And the 3rd rate copy cats.


    My 2c is i wouldn't bother with ANY spray on chrome products, unless you're keeping what ever you've had done in the house. You'll find none of those spray on chrome products will be guaranteed in NZ with our UV conditions.

  8. What the bleep happened to "can do". Screw OSH etc, use commonsense and fix the bleeping problem quick. Then once its been dealt with, FINE the bejebus out of the idiots who caused it.

    I grew up in the BOP, Moved from ohope/whakatane/the mount/tauranga. Hopefully it doesnt turn into a *total* balls up due to red tape and people unable to take decisive action for fear of screwing up right before an election.

    I have absolutely no experience with salvage big ass ships, but I can still think of UMPTEEN different ways of handling it quickly. There are plenty of heavy lift heli's in the south pacific, They shouldve been there from hour one lifting containers off it.

    Agree 100% mate.

    Who's the head monkey in charge of the clean up from day one?

    Fire his ass ASAP, in fact boot him out of the country for being an epic fail.

    The problem is they would have to fire a "commitee", there would be a huge one "in charge" of this mess.

  9. No but immediate action instead of waiting a few days for the red tape to be cut i.e immediately starting the removal of oil and containers to prevent or at least lessen the potential environmental impact especially when the weather was good - instead Maritime NZ stood around with their hands up their ass.

    Sorry, don't agree at all. Utter PC CRAP that nothing was done immediately. Talk about an ambulance at the bottom of the cliff. You don't always have the luxury of planning every step in an unexpected disaster - sometimes common sense needs to prevail.

    It's not rocket science that the boat was probably going to leak oil, the weather was fine for at least four days after the stranding. A boat does not take nearly five days to get from Auckland to Tauranga. Oil could have been pumped from forward to aft from the word go (they were only doing this yesterday), & pumping off the boat the next day.

    Boats could have been out with booms to encompass the boat & contain the oil, there was a guy on TV last night with a viable solution for soaking up oil - a product world proven & already used here in NZ. Powers that be were not interested, he was told to come back to them AFTER this now "disaster" :wacko::wacko: :wacko:

    F%#k the paper work - sort that later! It was a case of everyone running for cover - boat owners waiting on their insurance company, insurance company looking for cheapest recovery/salvage options & none of them giving a rats arse for this country & the impact this is having on it!

    Our powers that be should have completely overridden the above & insisted that a proactive approach was taken, if not, organised themselves - not sat with their hands up their arse as referred above.

    I agree that it does require a professional approach as for salvage etc, but as I said above - containing/ removing oil from the boat aint rocket science & would have no hinderance into the salvage planning.

    This whole episode is a total discrace. Clean green image - yea right!

    NZ powers that be once again waiting to see who will put there hand up.

    The red tape in this country f**ks me right off.

    It's ok though because the NZ Police will step in soon and take control of the whole situation................well they are the most experienced at things like this...............aren't they? They do after all know everything 'bout mines and mines rescue, oh hang on.......

    Novel thought, can they implode the reef to re-float the ship?

    People are crying over a few birds, what do you think the greenies would do if you start blowing up bits of reef / coastline.

    Also, confiscate boat until bill is paid. Easy.


    These guys are in the top 2 in the world for situations like this, they have crew and equipment in Singapore and airfreight 99% of stuff they need to start a job, could've been here in 2 days.

    I know someone that works for them, he's based in Holland. He says what's happening is a joke (the red tape, not what's happening to the boat)


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