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Posts posted by bellicose

  1. Isn't the idea of matt black that you don't care about paint colour because it's so gangtsa ?


    This is for OP.


    some paint shops have colour scanners . Not sure how good that would be on matte black or frozen colours :unsure: Could be worth a try ?

    Won't work because there's no pigment in black so the spectro' can't see a colour, just a shadow.

  2. This is the blurb from the seller i bought mine off, notice the bit 'bout E36. I am assuming they are the same offset as the ones you're selling tho' Michael.

    "good kumo tyres very slite sholder wear 5MM tread curetly on alloys 5 stud 7x16 rims suit commoder bmw ship at cost or pick up will fit jag but holes need drilling out to take larger jag studds good fix for xj40 metrics was going to colour code for my jag but stayed with factory 15 s and 235/60s NOTE WONT FIT MID 90S E36 3 SERISE WRONG OFSET FROUNTS STICK OUT PARTS GUARDS "

  3. Holden ute's have the same amount of power don't they?

    Mine will be almost close when it's done. (Block, crank & rods are already for the other bits to arrive, very slow process but worth the wait.) Very similar setup to this but without purple paint.


    I kinda don't see the point of this engine?

    Does there need to be one haha.

    It won't go in a car because any gearbox would blow to bits with that amount of power,

    We used to reliably get 1100hp throught a manualised TH400.

    2 spd hydraglide would handle that power no sweat.

    Do you mean Powerglide? (MOPAR box)

    Edit for spelling.

  4. Homax.... Red?

    Spotted a car with a kiwi for a badge this morning. Any guesses?

    MP4-12C ?

    It actually has NOTHING to do with a "Kiwi" at all.

    Ron Dennis has said MANY times on the record and in his books, the fact some people see a resemblance is a complete coincidence.

    The McLaren "swish" was designed to be a "morphing" of a shark and represents speed and the way forward (or some crap like that haha)

  5. bankrupt them

    that'll make them think twice about their actions


    If you mean bankruptcy throught the system how do you think that would change anything?

    If they've racked up that many fines or court orders from accidents with no insurance then how would bankruptcy affect that type of person? They more than likely didn't have any kind of credit rating to start with so what would they care?

  6. Unfortunately it doesn't, it has exactly the opposite effect, people who previously could just about scrape up the money for WoF and Rego now can't afford the insurance as well, and don't bother with any of the three (this has been found in insurance / rego / MoT blitzes in the UK).

    If they get caught, it's just another fine (that won't get paid) to go on top of the fine for no WoF / Rego / Driver's License / driving while disqualified, that they will get for the third time anyway. No detterent there I'm afraid.


  7. William, i know nothing 'bout photography mate but have a couple of suggestions.

    Pic' one would be a winner BUT....................the 2 arrows and keep left sign distract the eye away from ya car. Next thing is if doing night shots don't have head lights on, park lights ok but not head lights.

    Otherwise sweet pic's.

  8. WTF, did i hear the BMW guy give credit to BMW for "inventing" that paint?

    There is SOOO much bullsh1t concerning paint it's mind boggling.

    Didn't notice in the vid' any "special" items to wash the car, actually looked like a run o' the mill chamoix(sp?) as well.

  9. The frozen black has a special car clean kit with it. Just touching it with your fingers can burn the paint.

    C'mon Greg...really?

    A special BMW cleaning system?..................well of course there is, BMW wouldn't have it any other way would they.

    I'm calling marketing hype on that.

    I talk to so many overseas spray painters and detailers who have not bought into the hype and have had NO problems cleaning, or for that matter touching up the 'Frozen' colours (black & grey)

    I'll also call BS on the fingerprint burning the paint thing.

    BMW marketing department certainly earnt their salary with this farce mate.

    In saying that, it appears the SwissVax opaque series is one of the better systems to use on the 'Fozen' colours.

  10. A couple metres yeah. Just started taking interest the last few weeks.

    You can bet ya left one that the day you're going to knock on the door it'll be gone. Happened to me many times.

    How long has that global autoworks been there? I know HB Euro' has been 'round for a while (I know Gary Cammock really well through his dad, JG more or less set up HB Euro' for Gary when he came back from Europe) but that global looks like they're trying to cash in on JG being accross the street LOL.

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