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About Subway

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    1st Gear

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    '02 E46 320i

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  1. Subway

    Dodgy Dealer

    Hi team, friend of mine has bought a bit of a lemon… a C55 AMG. Hind sight and all that, he should have had it inspected, however he lived 4 hours away and bought it sight unseen after he asked the dealer “Do you have any of the vehicle's service history ? Were there any issues getting the warrant ? Are there any current mechanical issues or upcoming maintenance needs? Are there any cosmetic damages (scratches, dents, interior wear)? Have there been any modifications to the car (engine, suspension, exhaust)? Are all the car’s features and systems (air conditioning, navigation, audio system) in working order?” To which the dealer said “No service history as the car is an import from Japan. No Issues with it WOF just done last week. No Mechanical issues at all it. Is a very well looked after example. We have also just serviced the car. No Mods other than a NZ Media update and NAV. Yeah everything works.” My mate bought it and then a month later took it in to a local shop as it wasn’t driving right. The mechanics confirmed the car had aftermarket hard race adjustable camber arms which shouldn’t have passed a wof as it needs a cert. And a small list of other issues. Also, as it transpires the dealer also owns the automotive shop that did the wof. The dealer is now playing silly bugger claiming the camber arms were fitted after it was sold, and that he’s closing down the dealership so can’t help with any of the issues. 1. Would it be worth making a complaint to the NZTA? Don’t have any confidence that the car was actually physically inspected. 2. Is it worth giving the dealer more time or just going straight to the MVDT? 3. These aren’t super common cars, is there a chance anyone here recognises it? All we now know is it was onsold by Turners in Porirua.
  2. WTB: Drivers Side e70 x5 floor mat, Spare tyre bracket/wing nut, Auckland/Waikato or happy to pay for postage
  3. No worries have flicked you a txt
  4. As above, looking for a an E60 BMW E60 Dynamic Adaptive Headlight Xenon RHD Left (part number 158 761 00)
  5. Bought for manifold replacement but not needed/used $50 (can throw in Swirl Flap kit if you need for 530D) Reference numbers: BMW: 1112 7796 378, 1112 7793 249, 1112 2247 447 https://ibb.co/CWbWGq6
  6. Hey mate, just flicked you $150 to say thanks. I've asked my wife to have a look she can't find the ratchet, however i'll have another look when I get home. Are you able to let me know how much a new one is and i'll transfer you for it?
  7. I'm definitely not keen to take the intake manifold off if it isn't necessary. Have seen another video that suggests taking out the turbo piping to get to the manifold instead as well. That would be great if you could give me a hand, im in Cambridge or I could come to you. Would be happy to compensate you for your time as well.
  8. From the top, have got a replacement valve cover gasket but knowing my luck i'll get stuck injectors
  9. Got the dreaded cracked stainless exhaust manifold on my e60 530d. Picked up a cast steel replacement manifold + all the associated gaskets. A mate who has done his before was going to give me a hand but has had to leave the country for a while for work. I usually do my own servicing, have watched a couple of YT vids, but this is something i've never attempted before. I'm guessing most mechanics wouldn't appreciate being given parts to just fit? Based in the Waikato/Hamilton/Cambridge if anyone knows of a decent mechanic (called up Hillcrest Auto Services who never got back to me) or if anyone is keen to make some $$$ by watching me and telling me if im going to royally fck something up.
  10. Hey Brent, do you have a pic of the front of the unit showing the cd slot/buttons and the vin for the vehicle it’s off?
  11. As above, if its CIC unit then require corresponding screen for e60 021 629 038
  12. Can anyone recommend a good auto electrician in the Auckland area? Euroservice is close to where I’m based, however I’m not convinced they have the expertise and knowledge for dealing with bmw electrics. Also eurosurgeon won’t answer their phone.. issue is a parasitic drain in an e60 530d
  13. Anyone recommend an experienced BMW Auto Electrician in Auckland? Keen to take it to someone who knows their way around BMW's specifically
  14. Yeah no sunroof, did see some stuff on the net around the channels, gave novus a call as it has novus stickers on it, they've said the same as you that its a decorative seal and will fix it for free for me as its still under warranty
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