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Everything posted by bmw_guy

  1. bmw_guy

    E30 clean up

    What condition are the seats in?
  2. bmw_guy

    MY 320i E30

    ftw jealous cant wait to see it
  3. k well im keen on black or silver if under a grand.
  4. What would look best on myn? the black?
  5. Can we play 20Qs to try and guess Shadys new engine?
  6. Na bro professionally tinted
  7. Not so much a fan?? not sure why
  8. I like it, minus the spoiler. Its cool!
  9. lol far your lights are a hell of a lot brighter than myn. Mine shine like park lights! terrible i know
  10. m50 conversion? follow the htown trend lol
  11. Designing a bloody poster on photoshop for our upcoming event
  12. Not a fan yet im afraid I dont think were ready for something like this yet haha
  13. bmw_guy

    HB Nick (the mullet)

    Happy birthday bro Have a good one
  14. Im so sorry to hear that. Noones making you read my threads, you choose to
  15. Its only $9.00 I'm sure i can sort that out
  16. Kind of annoys me how i create a thread wanting to know how to turn a volvo lip into an e30 is style and all i get is a whole tonne of crap about me, and my parents, and not having money. Yes i am unemployed, yes i am living at home, yes my parents now know. And yes i have 800 from my wheels in which i can use for whatever i wish, whether it be for wheels, petrol or a volvo lip. So can we stay on topic please
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