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Everything posted by bmw_guy

  1. I didnt draw one. Honest haha was a great night
  2. Thanks for the great night and for everything uncle Jase
  3. bmw_guy

    Boyces E30T

    The keskins make it aye! lovin it
  4. bmw_guy

    Matts e30 Touring

    +1 whos that cool kidd in the background haha edit: i am not sleeping haha simply thinking . . . there was a lot of sitting around. But was a mint day sick jase
  5. Not convinced either. What can it do that a laptop cant , other than the touch screen side of things in which Tablet laptops do have? Seems like a large ipod touch!? meh waste of money . . . looks cool
  6. Haha everything is sorted but the rims . . . havent got anything lined up there as of yet
  7. Im not going to rust the whole car? haha just wait . . .you will see
  8. It would be another old bonnet, not the one on at the moment, its cheap, and im thinking well what the hell why not.I also have racks to . . . so just need rims now
  9. Chur keep them coming, a white e30 with a rusted bonnet would be ideal!? if anyone has a pic post it up
  10. Looking for as many rat e30 pics as possible. Preferably with rusted bonnets. Post them up chur Broke
  11. Currently Park way Drive! Girls !!!! grrrr
  12. Sounds like a pretty big job
  13. Far thats some dirty sh*t ay haha . . . warped but so cool.
  14. Seek beats bo! loving them all List more dub and dubstep! i need more, ive thrashed my collection
  15. bmw_guy

    Describe your PC

    I know that my main pc is : 3.0ghz Processor 2gb ddr2 ram 1x sata WD 250gb 1x sata WD 80gb 1x sata WD 120gb 8400gs graphics card 22" wide screen movitor Laptop: POS 1.6ghz cpu, 512 ram 60gb HD haha
  16. Currently nothing as everyone is asleep and im in stealth mode haha Usually listen to Shapeshifter or some form of Dubstep . . loving Chase and Status also. Current favourite song:
  17. Thanks bro, liking my RS's? haha if only there were real . . . Im so into the Sportmaxx! Had the privilege today of seeing Matts in the flesh, i receive a text message . . . Brook where are you we have a surprise for you! haha did not expect new rims tbh. . . walked around the corner, saw dish to my amazement! couldnt shut my mouth haha! love it Matt! good work.
  18. haha fully loving! whats with the green machine in background haha?
  19. Thanks David, no disrespect mate.
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