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Posts posted by Phil-540i

  1. I think you'll find its a bit of a pi$$-take hp wise - once upon a time I used to compete in same events as these guys, the truck they were using then wasn't short of hp - was a Vitara bodied prado chassis, running a Lexus auto........on 36 inch tyres..............was quite impressive...... ;):)

    Gotta agree Graham - those GM diesels were / are lazy............ :rolleyes: and rather noisy, especially when cold....!!

  2. Hidden in the bushes out in the wop woops? Or just the normal white ones that are in and around townships?

    AFAIK, not hidden out in wops - just urban, plus vans occasionally.................

    Generally I find the boys leave ya alone down there unless you're doing something really special...............medium speed heading south outa Chch tends to be around 115ish most of the time........

  3. There`s more money than you think down those parts ( and further South ) Someting to do with Rain, Grass , and Sheep. However the locals tend to be quite restrained about showing it. You would NOT fit in down there driving that.

    Exactly..........specially down in Southland...............all sorts of seriously koool stuff just sitting in farmer's sheds, getting used occasionally........

    Lotsa money, & some kooool stuff in Canterbury too........just not as much........ :D

  4. Sounds to me like you've done all the right stuff the right way so far on it, so just hang in there & keep nudging away at it till it comes round to your way of thinking Dave..... ;)

    Big 'thumbs-up' to the guys that've had a look at it!!! Awesome!! :)

    I hate it myself when jobs turn to custard, & ya end up wandering round muttering 'Ya b1tch' profusely!!! Sounds like a good plan you've got re tapping it out etc, so should work out fine.......& hey, alcohol helps......... ;):D

    Peace of mind down the track for ya - priceless........... ;)

  5. He's been very quiet lately ae...........

    Kooool car - intriguing that theres only 2 in NZ, & yet somehow this one ended up in Mosgiel of all places..........and its got it's roof off........ :)

    (Mosgiel typically has 3 weather patterns - been raining, gonna rain, & is raining.........) ;)

    Edit. Maybe it doesn't actually come with a roof..............??!!!

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