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Everything posted by bumpstop325

  1. they are always on ebay.com
  2. bumpstop325


    set your room up in your garage.
  3. not as hard as you think.doing it on carls car very soon. need to find some time to do it. PM, if you have any questions
  4. nice and tidy bro, i like the white easy to get the e36 seats in? compared to the e30 seats more comforable?
  5. bumpstop325

    WTF !?

    maybe they got mixed up between a supercharger and turbocharger??? to me that looks more like a hairdryer set up than a snail.
  6. bumpstop325

    WTF !?

    would have to be some major exhaust piping sumwhere for the airbox to be on that syde of the car??? snails should be mounted as close to the exhuast ports as possible, in order to keep heat loss to a minimum plus ehaust wrap.
  7. bumpstop325

    The Road Car

    i have the same problem but i bet i have it worse than you
  8. Steal it!!!!you sooooooooooo wouldnt
  9. bumpstop325

    pig bait

    haha, oh f**k. dont they have anything else to do??? nice pic
  10. true :thumbsdown: maybe if it was a VISA :thumb:
  11. bumpstop325


    im not sure about the 2.7 block. i want to do the cam fairly soon. and maybe a p&p job. carl, we have to do the box change soon. im moving to a new flat next week with a pit in the garage.
  12. one simliey head light cheap!!! i would for the basketweaves
  13. nice car bro, the lights were a good move. :bounce: you dont know a guy called ryan steel from h-twn? he owns a e30
  14. far out. i was only going on, on what i have read. again, their loss.
  15. true that, its like keeping the excess for insurance handy just incase
  16. interesting, how about a gearknob???
  17. dont pay till the seller has contacted you
  18. bumpstop325

    my ride

    lizard tase nice??? pic of the lizard!!! LIZARDS ARE COOL :thumb: I WANT ONE
  19. bumpstop325

    The Road Car

    arrrr.......another post from rob or jane holla for some lowering to the 328!!!! too bad those mags dont fit on mine
  20. i have seen a one in a more f**ked condition than that. waste
  21. bumpstop325

    Forum Whores

    ppl with more than 1500post are post whores
  22. bumpstop325

    WTF !?

    the 2002iT came from the factory with a turbo. i think, please correct me if im wrong. im not to sure on the 2002 models
  23. bumpstop325

    new pics

    deep dish 8' modgiez, old rolla styzle
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