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About Gunner

  • Rank
    2nd Gear

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    02' E46 318i

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  1. I bought these on Amazon in April and was planning on using them on my seats in the summer, but I no longer have the car. Both bottles are 16oz and unopened. $70.00 or near offer, can ship anywhere in New Zealand Sold pending payment
  2. Can vouch for Hauraki Panel & Paint. I use the one in Birkenhead and they seem to do a very good job.
  3. Looking for a relay for my Fog Lights. Think its the Green one. Cheers
  4. Its higher due to in the early days I never used to have to take motorway drives so was only city/urban and my trips were usually like 5-10km so engine barely had time to get to proper operating temp. If you look at the most recent ones Click Me I am averaging around 9.0L with more motorway driving.
  5. Gunner

    My Msport E46.

    Looks good, enjoying it as a daily driver?
  6. Is this the 323ci your referring to? Click Me
  7. Hey everyone, Over the weekend I noticed the smallest of leaks which appeared to be radiator coolant on a hose just behind the bumper. The leak took about an hour before it developed into any sort of drop but as the car has done 123000km I think its time to do a full cooling system overhaul. I am just wondering how much am I looking at to get this done (mainly for budgeting purposes) as I want to do it all at once and get it done right. I would prefer OEM parts for this job. So I will be looking at getting the radiator replaced, expansion tank and I guess any hoses coming to and from the cooling system? I won’t be doing the work myself so just want a rough ballpark figure so I can shop around between mechanics to see where I can get the best deal. Thanks for your input.
  8. Hi, You won't have a trigger wire unless you have a relay like those sold by Umnitza Visit My Website. You can probably make yourself a relay or just hook them into the parklights. Originally before I got myself a relay, I just pushed them up into the back of the connectors of the parklights (that foamy stuff) and they worked fine. Im sure others can correct me if I'm wrong.
  9. thanks for the reply. If I bought a oem set would I have to do some additional wiring with relays etc? from what I've read online its not a direct swap? have to muck around with lcm to? i guess if its too complicated I'll just leave them as they are for now and just make sure i wait for the right car next time round.
  10. I've always wanted xenon headlights but the car I bought never had them. After doing some reason would this be legal in nz Visit My Website as it has the proper projector or will the original lenses still cause a problem reflecting the lights in the wrong directions etc
  11. thanks, decided to revert back to the stock vodafone one for now. Yup was looking at that router as well. A mate of mine has one and said its pretty decent so I think I might go for it. Just need to save some money to get it, Not the cheapest thing.
  12. Hi, Thought I'd ask here as I know some people work in the networking industry. Basically I've bought a Draytek Vigor 120 as I've read quite a lot of great reviews and the improved speeds with this modem so I decided to take the plunge and buy one myself. At the moment I haven't bought a wireless router yet (planning on getting one and running Tomato Firmware on it) so at the moment I've just plugged in the default Huawei (Vodafone) router into it. At the moment it connects to the net fine. speeds about the same or just above using the Huawei as the modem. I was seeing if I can set it up in bridge mode with the Huawei Handling everything or can this only be done with a dedicated wireless router? Below are the current settings with it working on the net. From what I've read online I need to: Set PPPoe/PPPoa client to disable. Protocol to PPPoe and tick PPPoe Pass-through Not sure what to do after that? Im sure some others probably have used the draytek as their modem but Im a bit stumped. Cheers
  13. Wasn't meaning the door cards but the dashboard trim but got it sorted anyways just needed to apply more force to get them in. cheers
  14. Hi everyone, Recently I just purchased some new red trim clips that hold the silver/carbon/wood whatever trim your car has got to the dashboard. The old ones were broken so can out of the holes easily but i've been trying to get the new ones in but they just won't go in. I can get 1 end in easily but then the other end won't push in? Is there any trick to it or do I just need to apply some more force? Cheers
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