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About bimmer1989

  • Rank
    1st Gear
  • Birthday 09/19/1991

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    1989 bmw 320i

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  1. your car has every problem that mine is having now. can you let me know if you can solve them?
  2. must be te leads or omething then. because none of the above has happend that i know of. is any1 selling leads cheap??
  3. my car is miss firing but i dont know what it is?? i have changd the spark plgs on it
  4. im not exactly sure. bt it only leaks when engine is running. well smells like i is leaking. when i fulle the tank up yesterday it leakd for the first time noticeably.
  5. bimmer1989


    does a 89 320i fuel tank have a overflow? im hoping it does or my tank is leaking lol
  6. wanting to upgrade my engine to a 325i and conver to manual. do u have the parts needed?
  7. where are you from? could be keen
  8. in my my e30 89 the driver window electrics have decded ta stop working. all other windows work fine? anything i can do?
  9. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/W...n-255434766.htm if i had he money i would be getting that and chucking it in . Thanks for the help guys. liking the site
  10. i am looking at converting my 320i too manual? is this possible with this model?
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