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About jaimzthedrummer

  • Rank
    2nd Gear
  • Birthday 10/17/1979

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  • Car
    BMW E36 M3 3.0
  • Mods List
    Adjustables (Bosch front, Koni Ground Effects rear)
  • Car 2
    BMW F11 330d Touring
  • Car 3
    Audi B7 RS4 (dereg)
  • Race Car
    E36 323i 2kcup
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  1. Thanks Glenn. I've done the gearbox reset thing a few times and never really noticed a difference. I shall approach it thusly: 1) An Italian tune late at night on some dodgy back road 2) Scan/clean/replace the EGR I don't want the car to be any faster so I'd only go remap if nothing else worked. Thanks though. Appreciate the advice. ?
  2. Okay, good to know. It's been in the shop once... I'll check if they scanned it. It was scanned as part of the pre-purchase inspection (a year ago), but it was hard for me as a layperson to interpret the results. I knew about the tendency for the EGR to get all sooty, but none of the codes suggested it was a problem... then. I'll get it rechecked. Thanks. :-)
  3. Thanks mate. It's definitely not turbo lag. Pedal goes down... wait a while... then revs start going up. It's most noticeable after making a turn or going over speed humps, so I'm guessing that it's checking all sensors and waiting til the car is fully settled before it reckons it's safe to accelerate. I guess I need a computer plugged in to see if the throttle is programmable..? Certainly nothing available via the the infotainment system.
  4. Hi all, I'm a bit over the laggy throttle in my F11 530d. Putting my foot down is like asking the throttle to write a letter to the ECU, which may or may not translate to acceleration some time in the subsequent couple of seconds. I've heard good things about I-Drive controllers. https://idrivenz.co.nz/. I did try searching for threads on it... but of course searching I-Drive in a BMW forum leads me down an altogether different rabbit hole! :-) Any thoughts or experience with this sort of thing? James :-)
  5. Thanks guys, This is all about comparing the weight of a stock standard e36 323i against the other cars at the front of the 2kcup class - Honda Integras and Toyota Levins. Alister's post shows the BMW factory kerb weight includes driver and luggage, but the listed kerb weights for Hondas and Toyotas don't. We're asking the organisers for parity, but they don't want to accept us subtracting 75kg from the listed weight. So, I'm collecting real world data for 323s with no luggage or driver... and I expect them to be around 1290 - 1310kg (notwithstanding fuel load, which I'll make a note of during the weigh-ins). Hope to see lots of 323s on Sunday! :-D
  6. Thanks Nathan. I need 323s in particular, but I'll see if I can come for a visit anyway. It's been ages... plus I have a new BMW to share. :-)
  7. Hey everyone, It's been ages. I hope all is well. :-) I'm one of 7-8 guys who race e36 323i coupes in 2kcup. We've been winning a few races, and are being faced with having weight added to slow us down (it's a long story). We're trying to find a happy compromise with the organisers but there's disagreement about the factory weight of these cars. I understand the quoted weight of 1385kg includes a driver, luggage and 90% fuel - and that's the basis of our argument - but we want a real world measurement to rely on. Does anyone in Auckland have a stock standard 323i manual coupe who'd be willing to come get it weighed (venue TBC, but probably at a workshop in East Tamaki) in exchange for some beers and a night of e36 chat? More than one would be even better! Or if you all turned up to the next sushi meeting (if they're still a thing!), we could bring the scales. :-) Hit me up if you can help. James :-)
  8. Hey everyone. It's been ages since I visited the forum (sorry). Hi to all the guys I've missed - Dave, Jules, Martin, Kyu, Jayden etc. :-) I'll have to check if the coffee meetings are still a thing! Anyways... I'm currently leasing a garage space in Onehunga to store and work on my (and mates') cars. There is space for 8 and there are two free. 24hr access and it's secure. It's fairly cosy when all the cars are in, but we shuffle things around according to need. There are two outdoor spots too which helps free up space when we need it. Ceiling is high enough for an engine crane, but probably not a permanently installed hoist (although we're looking into it). No problems with making a bit of mess on the floor, as long as it's cleaned up afterwards. I've attached a couple of photos. Cost is $85/wk, or $45/wk for one of the outdoor spaces. If you're interested (or know someone who is) please PM me. James :-)
  9. Hi Andy, Yeah, apparently they did... on the M5 at least. But as factory options I guess they could have arrived on anything. http://www.bmwstylewheels.com/bmw/32 I'd be happy with the ET34 offset ones from an E90+ too... :-)
  10. Hey everyone, I'm looking for some wheels for the race car and one of the best OEM options (in terms of weight) seems to be the Style 32s. I'm after a 16" set with a ET20 offset, off an E39. This will give us a wider track (good for the corners). If there are any floating out there please let me know. James 0212546651
  11. Cool, yeah something like that would be ideal... just have to check whether it clashes with the class rules. All mods are supposed to be OEM, but considering the sunroof we removed wasn't... ;-) I think we'll run with a perspex patch for now (at least so we're not driving a wind sock at track days) and upgrade if required later on. Thanks for the advice. We're one of only 3 BMWs in the 2kcup. Just sayin'... ;-) Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  12. Hey Dave, Yeah I thought about that... but that'd mean taking all the windows etc out and some tricky seam welding. Probably the most expensive option. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  13. Hey all, Is this really the first post in this sub forum? Cool! I have an e36 318is that I'm turning into a 2kcup racer. I've removed the sunroof unit (which was an aftermarket jobby installed in Auckland, not factory) and now have a sunroof sized and shaped hole in the roof! Because it was aftermarket, there's no bracing of any kind left so the sheet metal is unsupported and very flappy (driving at 80kph+ is a noisy experience!) I'm wondering: - What would the best way of covering it up (i.e. a large patch over the top vs an insert inside the hole sealed around the perimeter vs something else?) - Does anyone know a good fabricator I could take it to? Because what's left of the roof is a bit flappy, I wonder if it would need to be stretched or tensioned as part of the process... Any thoughts or recommendations welcome. :-) James Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  14. Hey all, I have Nitto Invos on the RS4 (they came with it). They seem to be a pretty solid tyre but nothing amazing. I did one track day on them and they were definitely the limiting factor, but then that's usually the case for road tyres. One thing I wondered about them... their grooves toward the outside of the tyre are quite thin and shallow, so I wonder if they'll get pinged early at a WoF. A couple of peeps have mentioned Eagle F1s, but it's important to know there is more than one type. My pick of the bunch is the GSD3s. I ran them on my VR-4 years ago and found them to be a very good all rounder, although fairly high wear rate. They also pick up stones like nobody's business. Another honourable mention is the Yokohama Advan AD08Rs. I understand they're the pick of the bunch for the NZ Superlaps guys who run in the street tyre class. Almost as good as a dot rated tyre around the track apparently. And that's everything I know about tyres. James :-) Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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