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Posts posted by HSB

  1. You could be right and I'm diabetic so I better not drink it!

    ethylene glycol, on consumption, will oxidise into glycolic acid or glycol "crystals" - it will effect the central nervous system first (slurred speech, inability to focus, irregular temperature and irregular sleeping patterns) then slows the heart and shut downs the kidneys. After prolonged consumption fatality will occur.

    ...diabetes is the least of your worries!

  2. Hey all need some advice...

    Had a bunch of things done on my bimmer in the last 3 months and she's tidiest she has ever been - so am in two minds about continuing to try sell it to let someone else enjoy my work. If I was to sell I was looking to downsize to a spiffy little mini.

    My mechanic in Welly let me know that a mini has to be under 150,000km to be approved for Autosure warranty - so this is my only real criterion. Other than that, would prefer black, prefer leather, prefer tiptronic, prefer tidy etc.

    Found this little guy listed overnight: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=885729572

    Like the new shape, like the interior, colour etc.

    I did a basic carjam on it it was border checked on 22 Jan 2015, registered 21 March, now being sold 10 May.... this two month turn around...some one trying to do a fast one by importing and then selling as a private seller?

    Red flags? Thoughts?

  3. Take daughter to hospital on a Friday night, no pi$$ed people, no fight victims, no abusive addicts,  no long queues.


    Great doctor works out her condition quickly , sorts breathing issues to manageable  level and we get to take her home on the same evening.

    ghost hospital !!! :P

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  4. There is a photo shop inside the Meadowbank Countdown/mall that does this. I still shoot a bit of film and he does all mine.

    Nik's Photoshop it's called. He also sells womens shoes.

    he is so expensive!!! ...can you update me on his photo frame stock? would be interested to know if its changed in the last two years haha

  5. Is anyone on here a keen photographer (or have a photographer partner) in Wellington area that would be up to take a couple of professional photos of my car next weekend? Can do a cashie/box of beer/your choice of poison etc in return.

    My iPhone photos aren't doing the trick for me :P

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