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Posts posted by RipJaws

  1. So I thought I'd start myself of doing an m52 e30. I would have liked to go m54 but I'll leave that till I'm a little more aquatinted with looms and everything else....

    I've been stealing things off my m spec e36 328i. I thought why not take the steering rack and swap it while it's accessible? So I removed the rubber guibo from the steering knuckle and bolted the two yolks together and it fits like a dream.

    I've been readying the engine bay to paint and accept its new engine and loom, but I've got a few questions about what to do next...

    • I want to shave as much unnecessary bits and bobs off the engine bay as possible, is it OK to remove the air box mount?
    • Is the fuse box a huge task to get out of the way? I've tried and it looks to be. Possibly something I'm missing?
    • Can I throw the big cylindrical canister out, I think it's a charcoal canister (comes from fuel line) or does the m52 need it?
    • Am I able to use the rubber engine mounts again for the m52? The car had an m40 previously..
    • Also I've heard the brake booster is in the way in it's original spot so what's the easiest way to sort that out?

    Also, some of stuff about OBD2 and OBD1 conversions is a little confusing, I've tried to look up what the advantages of swapping to OBD1 are on rev limited but the site appears to be down for maintenance at the minute. I just want to make it as easy as possible and not have to buy any extra stuff and just use the e36 donor I have so would it be best to stick with OBD2 and just get the O2's wiped and EWS wiped?

    **Update** my e36 is a 1995 so would it even have obd2?

    I'll try upload some photos of what I'm doing but internet is poor where I am, its very satisfying to see it all come together, the e30 is a fantastic chassis and I can't wait to see how it handles the new power and things.


  2. I feel a bit stupid for saying this but I've looked up a few different guides and read them a few times over but can't seem to make sense of what they are saying about the tie rod ends....

    I've got the spacers sussed and I'll just bend the HP hoses but what do I do with the tie rods or tie rod ends? Do the ones on the e36 turn out to be too long for the e30 or something? I've just basically plug and played the e36 rack in and it looks alright.. Although I am a bit of a noob

    Any input appreciated

  3. I can't find much information relating how to work an m40 loom into an m52 engine, checking e30 zone and some other sources it looks like you can man handle a c191 into an m52 loom... But aren't they only in the m20's? Can I do something similar with m40 loom? If not I will just rip everything off my e36 and swap it in.

  4. Hi, been doing my research and it seems a few fly wheels can bolt up to the m52 but I have a m40 flywheel sitting out side (I am using the gear box for my swap) but can't really find if it will work or not, it's a pretty chunky little thing, it looks a lot different to the m20 one.. It seems the m42 can and I know the m20 one is preferred but it needs some machining? What does it need before it will be accepted?

  5. Yeah I fully agree Mark, I'm speaking generally though not just from the point of the m60 gear box. I won't whinge on about it, I'm just trying to get a point through. If I'm not happy about a price then I just won't buy it. Because I know the gear boxes can be found for < $2000 then I'll just wait for one under that.

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