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Posts posted by RipJaws

  1. You shouldn't let me have them for less than what you paid for them, no. But if you didn't pay so much for it in the first place you wouldn't need to charge so much, besides every one on her is trying to make a dollar or 200 on something they sell. Other car forums aren't like that. You give something you get something back etc

    And because we both like bmws should count for something. The bottom line is there are a lot of people making their own ideas of market value and its just holding people back.

  2. This is probably the last place to try and buy something for far less than it's market value. It's a bugger trying to bullshit a group of informed people. Some of us know this and don't bother trying. On the other hand there are some that try or should that be there are some that are trying.

    Good point, although sometimes I get the idea this place has a funny idea of what market value is. Wouldn't it be good if we could just all scratch each other's backs

  3. You can see the legs in the reflection on the car in one of the photos on the other page. Thank me later

    page 3 to be precise waaaaahooooo, I'm getting excited about the car btw!

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