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About m0m0

  • Rank
    1st Gear
  • Birthday 06/21/1993

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  • Name
    Mauritz De Jager
  • Location
    Ex Auckland... Christchurch now
  • Car
    1991 e30 320i
  • Mods List
  • Car 2
    1994 Ford laser tx3

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  1. Just a bump on my post, needed parts: Pedal box, G240 m20 Gear linkage/shifter assembly, Manual crossmember, M20 flywheel G240 m20 propshaft, And maybe some others? Cheers
  2. Hey all, I've been able to secure a g240 gearbox for my 320i e30 but need all the bits to go with it to make it work, does anyone have such bits or know of anyone looking to get rid of such bits? Cheers Mo
  3. m0m0

    Wheel bolts?

    I might already have some normal bolts sorted but Id definitely still be interested in the locking bolt set with key and I can come get them when Im up in Auckland in Feb if youre keen
  4. m0m0

    Wheel bolts?

    Would you sell me 2 normal bolts for my e30? Id also be interested in the locking set with key if M3EN isn't interested, would eliminate me needing the 2 normal bolts altogether. Otherwise I'll just ring the dealers, $9-10 isnt too bad
  5. m0m0

    Wheel bolts?

    Hey all, feel a bit silly asking for this but Im after some wheel bolts to suit an e30 (2 minimum but a few spare is always handy) to pick up in tue Christchurch sort of area soon as possible. I lost some on my one wheel (dont know how this happened as I havent worked around the wheels for a while?), only noticed today when I did some servicing and checking around the steering Cheers
  6. Hey, just wondering if anyone has the window motor setups for use in the rear doors of an e30 sedan. Pretty sure the motors are the issue as the wiring has continuity and reads voltage when the front centre console switches are pressed. Strangely no power (dont light up or do anything) to rear door switches though. Cheers
  7. Haha I wish! That would be a very nice setup if done well. I've seen a few examples from overseas and man do they go
  8. Haha I was looking at that the other day, just busy doing my homework on what the swap entails before i get to putting money on the table. Theres also the other issue of getting parts to Christchurch of course, but that can be sorted
  9. Cheers man, yeah Im thinking M52 might be the way to go, yes please man that would help a lot
  10. Cheers for the advice gentlemen, for the simplicity I'd ideally like to go for the bigger M20 but theyre not the easiest to find in alright condition and people seem to hold onto them. At the same time a later M5x engine would be good for the improved technology and potential later down the track. Any idea what you would want for such a kit and clutch? Is it the Getrag260 or the 240?
  11. Hey all, Ive run into some engine trouble with my e30 and it doesnt seem worth fixing for the price Ive been quoted. So instead Im looking at potentially doing an engine swap while in this situation (was my intention from the beginning). Im either looking at an m50, m30 or potentially an M20B25 (currently has the 2.0l, and its an auto) if I can find one. If anyone has anything along those lines theyre looking to potentially sell or even if someone has a 2.0l M20 thats in not too bad shape I'd love to hear from you Cheers Mo
  12. Looking for a radiator to fit a 1991 320i auto in good condition in the Christchurch area or potential advice on where a new aftermarket or good secondhand one can be had. Mine sprung a leak at the small return outlet (read: it was snapped off and fixed before I owned the car but the fix has failed) Cheers
  13. Thanks for the replies, I'll put some plastic grease on them and see if it makes a difference. Any idea where I can buy plastic grease from? Also yes its definitely a motometer unit as its soldered into the main board and has the original bmw parts number sticker stating its a motometer unit stuck on the speedo unit as well as all over the rest of the dash. I got the motometer non-us gearset from garagistic as mine isnt in miles or mpg, I checked the old and new gears back to back to make sure they were the same (probably should have counted teeth as well) but they all matched from what I could see. I'll check this all again today but if I cant find the issue, does anyone sell good working odo/speedo units by themselves? Thanks
  14. Hey all, sorry if someone has asked this before, I did have a search but came up with only the usual gear fix. Pretty much the odometer on my e30 decided it had enough, I got some gears off garagistic to fit my motometer cluster and put them in but afterward it would only count over a few kms and then stop for a while and then count over some more later. Its fully stopped working now though. Everyting else works fine though I've taken the cluster out a few times since to check the gears but they're fine. I was hoping someone might have some ideas as to what could be causing this Cheers
  15. That would have been ideal, my parents live up there, could still potentially be interested if i go up there at some point, thanks man
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