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About Penelope

  • Rank
    1st Gear

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  • Name
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  • Car
    E46 M3 LSB
  • Car 2
    E46 325ci Cabriolet

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  1. Ok sounds like I need to be more vigilant then! Flying through Greenlane is a daily mission for me...
  2. Wasn't me, I have a Euro plate. I was just saying to Ray last week that I'd love to see a twin... will keep an eye out for this one around the city!
  3. Love those photos, hopefully next time the sun joins us too.
  4. Maayyybeee.... After his date with Sam the Groomer. Hah imagine the horror!! If your race car is Croatian blue that might not be terrible. But anything else - questionable!
  5. Thank you both, much appreciated! They both look excellent. I'll give Sam a whirl first since he's in the neighbourhood
  6. Same looking.. But not the same one. That's a 2001, manual I think.. I picked up my blue beast on Saturday and it looks so naff with the standard narrow government plates. But still, love.
  7. I got the blue beast a couple days ago and while I spent a couple hours cleaning the obvious bits, I think he could really benefit from a professional grooming session with all the right products & tools in all the nooks and crannies. Could someone please recommend a good grooming/detailing place or person in Auckland?
  8. Holy moly... If you were in Auckland I'd be throwing money at you to do the same to mine.
  9. There is a WTB thread, you might have better luck there: http://bimmersport.co.nz/forum/12-want-to-buy/
  10. The thing is, I have not even seen it in real life yet..! I talked to him on the phone a few times and he was so damn nice and I'm just not into lying. Karma and all that.. \ It's all good, I'm happy with the price.
  11. That's an excellent thought starter, thank you! I don't mind the wheels but they're not what I want or I imagine on that car. I'm rather particular about things.... Well the M3 isn't exactly a feminine car compared to non-Ms and most other cars. And blue is traditionally a male colour. BUT also I'm Croatian and the word for car is of masculine gender in Croatian so it seems natural to me for a car to be male Close to asking. That colour doesn't come up often and it's specifically what I wanted so didn't have much bargaining power
  12. Hah yeah probably.. However I have had one female car before but that was mostly because the name aligned (yes I name my cars..) - it was a Tomcat, Rover parts assembled by Honda so her name was Rhonda! Still trying to figure out what the M3 will be called... Thanks
  13. Yeah 18s look just a touch small to me on that car. Not worried about weight, he just needs to look "right". Umm.... I dunno, maybe... awkward.
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