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About coreyjmacpherson

  • Rank
    1st Gear
  • Birthday 05/17/1974

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  • Name
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  • Car
    04 E46 318i Touring.
  • Mods List
  • Car 2
    2x E36 Sedan (Parts cars)
  • Car 3
    89 E32 750il (Rat)
  • Race Car

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Vehicular activities, Hacking, Electronics, Magnets, Water.
  1. Hot! Sent from my HP 8 using Tapatalk
  2. Check the two links I posted on the pg1 an 04 and an 05 scroll down check the levies.Sent from my HP 8 using Tapatalk
  3. Sorry about the mix up!Sent from my HP 8 using Tapatalk
  4. That's just it, the 04 e46 that I own does not not have the same rating as the e90 but the 05 e46 does.Sent from my HP 8 using Tapatalk
  5. OK 1) appoliges for mixing up the users, don't know how that happened. 2) think of me as you wish no one here knows me and that is probably the way it will stay. 3) this is a forum, a place to discuss. 6) it is no place to try and control people by suggesting they think of things a certain way. 4) I only get personal as a reaction to others doing the same. 5) right car have two an cap listings separately for the 05 e90 and the 05 e46. Can't see how that would mean they based the e46 on the e90. 6) I cannot believe the way I have already been spoken to, so think the rumors about BMW owners might just about be correct. I really hope everyone that already has it in for me can move on instead of changing the subject and telling me to go to my room. All I was pointing out was acc have always tried to save money or make money off people that need their help. Massive bunch of c words if you ask me. Get it right then change it. They have thrown a grenade and hoped for the best. Have a happy evening.Sent from my HP 8 using Tapatalk
  6. I love admins that just stir! Maybe if you weren't still a baby (26) and had more interest than beer and boobies, I might actually care about what you have just said. As for the introduction, I am using the tapatalk ap and have introduced myself all over the place if I haven't done that here yet I apologise. What should I tell you about my reasonably private life? I am male and own a e46 touring. Anything else you need to know.....mate? Acc have set this up very strategically and I suspect they will make more off making sure people are deceived into thinking the government has released this new setup so it must be correct. Who ever made the comment about e46 and e90 may be correct. E90's are a different car. I can see on the right car site there is two separate listings for e46 and e90. And yes the e90 is safer. But the 2005 e46 is getting a safer rating than it should. So I guess I will be paying more but there is still a problem with the system that you and I should be holding acc to account for. I like making sure the powers that be are doing right by the tax payer, don't you Mr admin?Sent from my HP 8 using Tapatalk
  7. Nothing to do with the e90. They only have data based on the 2005 e46 nothing prior. Which means they haven't made all that model or the preface lift with the same safety standards, the same. And the people that have organised the change in levies are obviously just accountants not safety inspectors!Sent from my HP 8 using Tapatalk
  8. OK so just got my Rego notification in the post. I own a 2004 E46. ACC are classing it as a band 3 being $103.46 . http://m.rightcar.govt.nz/m/?plate=fet233&s=pr Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the 2005 E46 the exact same car specs wise? So why are the 2005 E46 on band 4 at $68.46 http://m.rightcar.govt.nz/m/?plate=flp28&s=pr I can imagine this is going to be a problem for acc. I think what may have happened is acc is using only data from 2005 to rate the vehicles but they haven't thought about the fact the 2004 or prior years are exactly the same vehicle. Thoughts anyone? Are they scamming the people who aren't clever enough to figure out they maybe paying too much rego?
  9. Have you found a home for the e46 ends yet? Are they new?Sent from my HP 8 using Tapatalk
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