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Posts posted by kwhelan

  1. with all the simple  remote desktop options, all that work can be done easily remotely as long as you provide the laptop and connection locally the person doing the programming can be basically anywhere,helps If your also on the phone for any manual type instructions like turning a key or starting the car there shouldn't be any issues really,

    • Thanks 1

  2. On 5/9/2024 at 7:00 PM, Olaf said:

    They haven't yet recovered from our previous govts complete f**kery of maintenance budgets into ideological changes sans good science.  Give them time, it'll get unwound.

    still probably not at this stage yet


  3. true, my sons went through those years where you built up a nostalgia because you lived and breathed cars with skylines, impressas etc whereas mine was rx3, bmw, ,mitsi gto's

    kids now at that age seem to prefer lowered old jap utes so there is still a bit of passion there which I quite admire. they were crap vehicles new so it takes a bit of passion to bother with one now, funny the utes are around in bigger numbers and better condition  that impressas/skylines are

  4. same for everything though isn't it, washing machines for example, a few power glitches or damp circuit board and $900 to repair, didn't happen when you just turned a knob now they have digital screens and processors, mates newish fridge after a power cut while it was doing a defrost cycle "apparantly:, now blows the circuit breaker of the house, $600 fixed it though yay

  5. not sure its planned obsolescence but strict laws causing compromises. Would they really use all that recycled plastic in water tanks and fittings if they didn't have to. plastic water pumps and fans, wtf is that bullshit, Fuel economies have caused lightening of every part in a vehicle which funnily because of all the new tech added the car ends up heavier than it ever was anyway. I remember reading a Porsche 928 ad when I was a young fan and they were boasting 41 electric motors back then, more weight,more speed means more hp required which means more stresses on everything, my old rx2 didn't need bigger tyres than 195 because it was light,e60 v8 sure needs bigger so thats more stresses all around constantly.

    safety has added complexity, abs , cameras for lane detection etc, led lights sure they look cool but they arn't a case of unplugging a simple plug and changing a bulb

    costs here as well, I think germans do a lot more maintenance on their bmws because parts are cheaper, only people doing suspension bushes here are ones that fail warrants but over there its just maintenance along with shocks etc. I think they expect owners to do that,eg  when you look at the new service schedules it includes things like full brake fluid changes, How many kiwis ever do that to their ride. At least bmws do supply parts for older models, you don't get that with alot of japanese brands

    your stating the obvious really and thats the arguement of every v8 loving american muscle car lover

  6. your obviously a perfectionist who enjoys this sort of work/play but arn't you concerned with how much extra cost and work,

    Genuinely I'd be too scared to drive/leave it anywhere. I f some muppet dings it you can always get a new car but I just can't understand how much time and effort you would lose. I guess its no different to a custom hotrod but this is a daily driver that is at the mercy of joe public really. Not sure I'd sleep at night. Can you even insure this at the level of work and hidden costs that have gone into it?

  7. 8 hours ago, Palazzo said:

    I know, clear change. 
    54.6% of 5.7% of the voters, or 3.11% of the total. 

    its almost as if the news has an agenda rather than mirroring what people think or want, lucky we have such good journos here/sarc

  8. 1 hour ago, Neal said:

    Thanks, wasn’t sure if WAV was PCM. 
    Understand the rest of the chain , just trying to avoid DADDA in the chain for critical listening. Up with most of the codecs used in audio and video but never bothered with Wav. Like the Metadata with other formats.

    Hobby background in building pre / power amps , guitar pedals etc  as a teen for a side job. So had a good handle on analogue side of things. Quite like the idea of some of these newer  cap-less opamps (EG  Sabre ) Fewer components in the audio chain. 

    But this car amp is all shark based DSP with reasonably good class D output devices running balanced inputs. With car audio a well tuned system will trump esoteric equipment that hasn’t been. Quite a bit of a learning curve.

    yeah the signal has been converted and compressed a/d and back multiple times before it made it to your source say a cd which is only 44 anyway.

    quality of the dac in the player does make a difference but funnily not so much in the ripping process because ripping does multiple passes until it basically has the full spectrum covered where playback just gets the one pass of the data

    flac being 32bit 96k is higher than the original source cd was recorded to begin with

    pedal builds are so interesting and such a rabbit hole, good money to be made too and the vintage market has made old stuff worth moonbeams now but argueing over the sound of different caps is a bit OTT for me

    Dsp makes sense in a car for sure you can hardly run nice warm tubes, I think Ai will soon take all this hassle away and mix/eq things live, when you think it can now pull the originals stems out of a finished track perfectly then mixing and eq is going to be a breeze

  9. 1 hour ago, Driftit said:

    Regen braking that doesn't activate brake lights.  Absolute joke.  I watched a newish Hyundai slow from 80kph to 50kph quite quickly without any brake lights being activated.  So quick I thought their lights were not working.

    question I've pondered. does the new cruise control with auto following gap toggle the brake lights every time it slows the car to maintain the following distance, does that explain why some people seem to be riding their brake pedal alot unexpectedly when you follow them on open roads, its very unnerving to follow someone like this

  10. 1 hour ago, Olaf said:

    My ears super-good for a 50 year old?  No!  The point is, I'm listening and responding to music.  My hearing has been measured and is worsening.  I can still tell sh*t from clay!  Hint:  It's not about frequency response.  It's not about soundstage or other artifacts of the US High End Hifi Press.  Just listen to the music.  Or don't. 

    As for SACD, I could never understand why - for the forty-odd albums available at launch, why you'd bother.  Well-implemented Red Book CD Players sounded better; most "SACD Fanboys" had never experienced good Red Book CD, or a decent turntable.   

    WAV is uncompressed audio.  FLAC is lossless audio via the algorithm - but the file size is compressed.  The general consensus you refer to is formed by folks that can't tell the difference between two violas and a cello, and sit on the edge of their seats straining to hear the difference in "the soundstage", and probably never attend live concerts, have no frame of reference.  Don't listen to the consensus, listen to your ears!

    wow, were not talking sh*t from clay though are we, your claiming you can hear the difference in wav over flac on what is obviously high end equipment so pretty faithfully being reproduced.

    Look I'm a musician, I record mix and have plenty of sound stage and studio engineering reference, human hearing is like colour perception and completely personal, the only measurable constant is frequency response really, eg: women for example hear completely differently to men which is why they will wince and say this bars music  is too loud way before men notice, their ears are tuned to accentuate higher freq responses (theory is programmed to hearing babies cry,)audio is even humidity referenced so changes with the weather and temp

    all your lps were compressed multiple times, at original recording, at mixing,at mastering,

    your argument is getting silly and condescending implying that folks can't tell the difference between violas and cellos and its just an undeniable fact that hearing deteriorates with age and your old although possibly an exception to the norm. Your also arguing that their are no differences in the digital to analogue conversions due to the dacs and their permutations and quality which is crazy,. Why do you think there are massive markets for external usb headphone dacs, ,wouldn't a macbooks audio chip be just as good? surely your ears can hear the difference

    this has got silly now and unrelated to the original posters thread, apologies Neal so I will leave it at this. I  disagree on the use of wav being necessary

  11. 9 hours ago, Olaf said:

     This has nothing to do with which DAC to choose.

    That's not what you would say if you read any audiophile article discussing the best sacd player, they go to enormous lengths discussing the dacs,

    I'm not dissing his build I'm very jealous, its incredible but Considering both wav and flac are lossless and you mentioned he could convert his flac back to wav ( is that going to make it sound better?) and the general consensus is no one can tell the difference your ears must be super good for a 50 year old

  12. 4 hours ago, E63 said:

    I think the visibility has a huge effect on drivers too. When you see a camera it's a bit of a reminder that you will get sniped eventually, and if you're going over 140 your licence is gone.

    140 your lucky, try 120 as you'd struggle to find a road in HB thats still 100km

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