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Posts posted by kwhelan

  1. 3 hours ago, allan said:

    So you produce a sh*t product dress it as lamb and sell it for an exorbitant price. Then when the wheels fall off maintenance etc floods in the owner/s get pissed off sells it and doesn't buy another one. If that is all true how have they managed to stay in busy for so long? what is missing because most company's would have been done years ago especially in the competitive auto industry.  

    because they give you a comprehensive warranty from new so these major failures don't actually cost you apart from downtime ,it just makes them bad second hand time bombs and because all the euros are similar good luck finding one thats much better.

  2. 11 hours ago, 3pedals said:

    Depreciation is about 26% / annum so if you buy a 2-3 year old car with 50,000km on it for $50,000 the biggest drops have occurred over the next 3 years it will drop to $20,000 or so in value or a about $10 grand a year- thats pretty hard to spend in maintenance. 

     If you do the suspension/ gearbox/ waterpump etc at the end of the first year for say  $10 grand  as preventative maintenance then you get 2 years return on that investment and you are still $20 grand up - if you then sell the car and chuck in another $30 grand to get another 50 k car you again do another $30 grand BUT  if you keep the car for another 2 years and spend $5 grand on some more stuff you save a further $7 grand so all up after 5 years you can be $27 grand up. 

    BUT best of all you get to drive an as new functioning car for the full period 

    depreciation is very model independent and I would suggest If I had bought a new car and at 50,000km it needed 10k of maintainance I Would say I was had. Why on earth should you be doing suspension/gearbox/waterpump at year 3-4. Any one in their right mind would call that a lemon.

    Every dealer practically now has 5yrs or 100k warranty and thats because they don't expect there to be any issues that will cost them.

    Show me a japanese car that needs 10k of mainataince at 50,000 and I would say it was a dud and an exception. You could own any number of cars for 3 yrs do no maintainance except the required for warranty oil/fluids/tyres and sell it in basically brand new condition at 3 yrs old, less depreciation of course

    The only cars that are worth 50k at year 3 started off at some exorbitant  high price( mostly euro).I get that a percentage hits a higher price more so the losses are greater but anyone who buys new is just burning money in my opinion.

    Any walk around Geoff Gray or mercedes dealer shows you The smart buys are the 12month tradeins or ex dealer models with 10k on the clock


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  3. 1 hour ago, 3pedals said:

    It also makes real sense for average users if you choose the right vehicle 

    I currently commute 23km each way to an office plus I do 5 road trips for work of about 500km each, my fuel bill  is about $3,100 per annum

    If I replace my 328 with a 330e I can commute entirely on battery and then do the road trips on fossil fuel - this gives an annual cost of between $850 and $970  per annum (depends on fuel price and achieved economy ) so over 10 years the saving is $21,300 ( easily enough to buy a replacement battery) - and service costs are also reduced

    If I go to an i3 with  which is a bit small for my use (with a range extender)  the same commute and road trips can be done for $430 per annum  and I would burn only 67 litres of fuel compared to 1441 litres.

    330e is on my shortlist 

    The electrical infrastructure for either is simple and can be home based and office based. The Tesla because of its enormous battery and guzzling of electrons can only effectively be charged from an industrial grade 3 phase supply. 


    is there an initial cost difference in 330e to factor into your savings? will work just let everybody charge their vehicles and how would they achieve that or will you have to go park somewhere else, possibly moving your car to let someone else have time on the charger,

    you want to swing over town to pick up that trade parcel on the way home,bugger better think and plan how you'l do that

    will electricity stay at the same rate as it is now or be charged at higher rates for peak charging times etc

    you would be the first person on here to moan at the lack of sole and boredom of driving an appliance, yes its practical and friendly but its not a car, it has nothing to give you except a means of A-B 

    batteries are not the answer to the problem they are nearly as damaging as the fuel, batteries leak when disposed of just as well as fuel tanks do and they explode and burn in accidents re richard hammond so insurance premiums and disposal costs will have to be factored in

    I think his humoured point was valid tackle industry first while improving diesel or fuel to be cleaner or leaner makes more sense, one cruise ship does more damage than a whole city of cars so tackle that first

  4. The latest Ministry for the Environment report New Zealand’s Environmental Reporting Series: Our atmosphere and climate 2017 reported on data collected all over New Zealand between 1960 and 2016 which showed a significant decrease in extreme wind events and a small decrease in extreme flooding events over that period.

    The statistics and data do not back up the desperate claims that we are experiencing more extreme weather events. We are experiencing less in fact, despite 1 degree of warming.

    James Shaw is full of it

  5. Started again, first episode not too bad, you have such familiartity with them but there wasn't a lot of driving, plenty of scenery and camera shots. Showed some good shorts of bits to come and some of it looked epic. they've started another celebrity drivers track and it was absolute S%$t. 

    Most interesting part was the 3 car challenge between old tech lambo hurrican, hybrid nsx and a fully electric Rimac concept one.

    Show ends with hammonds big crash in Switzerland hillclimb in the Rimac. Interesting thing was the car kept reigniting itself for 5 days after the crash as the cells of the batteries imploded on each other in a thermal reaction. Like a samsung note 7 then really, maybe thats why all those californian homes are burning due to all the electric cars.

  6. 18 hours ago, Gabe79 said:

    Almost everything you'd want to know from a NZ context is contained here:


    If you have any questions it doesn't address, I can try to address for you, just ask.

    that covers leafs in general, I'm meaning more the pitfalls of EVs in general, what is there life expectancy, total cost of ownership, how do you spot a lemon, whats a good buy and what has 12 months left till it dies,at what point will it be worthless, For petrols these things are generally known and assessed


  7. had the same issue with e36, started with doors then ignition exactly same as yours, a decent locksmith looked at it and managed to copy and recreate with a bit of guesswork a new key from the totally mangled one we had and it fixed everything perfectly. the locks have been fine since

    also be vary careful with the ignition, if you try to force the key eventually barrel will spin and then your up for a pin repair in the column which the locksmith can do. get the key done ASAP it will be the key they seem to be made of very soft material

  8. 13 hours ago, Olaf said:

    I'm having a little trouble with your grammar; in your third para I'm unsure if you're suggesting that what you observe is sad, or that my aparrent inability to observe this social phenomena is sad.  You could clarify if you felt like it; though I can't promise you likes or even a text.

    hey nothing judgemental at all

    sad for the kids, well us all probably, as it makes them more narsistic and the communication without face to face lowers their general empathy levels YES GENERALISATION HERE

    and your right, two notifications/likes this morning, I'm a winner today

    but I wasn't checking it every 5 mins and worrying about it all night like a lot of kids do 

    BTW did you read the other article i linked, its similar but perhaps more detailed


    there is a good rebuttal to it here to maybe provide some balance

    I found them quite interesting and have had discussions with others about it for some time before reading them.

    A recent trip to Hong kong and Singapore watching people on subways and public monuments was quite an eye opener

    just watching  someone take over 100 shots of their family members on a 10 min gondola ride and about 5 of the scenery made me ill

  9. 2 hours ago, Olaf said:

    Just watched the video.  Yep, he's on-message with a view that has been circulating for years.  What?  I get a dopamine hit when you get a text?  Oh f%#k off.  I'm a gen-X er, I'm happy having the technology marvel that is SMS (which I started using in '98) and these days my smart phone... but the notion of needing txt hits? Pah.

    think he was more referring to FB likes but your missing the point.

    your too old to be affected as like me you have a natural cynicism and were brought up differently

    If you can't see it happening around you,at any restaurant,childrens playground or just shopping your blind, the way it is affecting young minds in their formative years will be completely irreversible, its quite sad

    swimming lessons the other night with grandson, they all swim a length,and look up, I give the thumbs up he was so desperately looking for

    the rest of the bench was playing angry birds or whatever, F&$king adults are arseholes,

    they will pay when that kid becomes a teenager and doesn't give a rats ass about them or has depression issues

    • Like 3

  10. On 8/10/2017 at 9:58 PM, BreakMyWindow said:

    Wonder if the current generation of drake bashing chain smokers will be of the same opinion of current pop music in 30 years time? 

    yep they will, all music is generational, the whole point of being a teenager is to find some music your parents don't understand, there are people who think good music stopped with grateful dead, you can't hear the lyrics blah blah

    even in the 80s we seem to be focusing on here theres plenty who say 80s big hair rock and new wave was shite and a passing fad and were pleased when grunge took over

    funny how nostalgic you can be over your rose tinted youth

    watch the defiant ones doc to see how big dre and snoop dog got.you can totally see people going to ed sheehan in 30yrs just like we do james taylor now.


  11. 13 minutes ago, Neal said:

    The ironic thing about the successful bands is how they started.

    When you think of simple minds most people think of pop culture tracks like "The breakfast club" I like some of the early tracks where they were a bit raw and not "over produced"     like the church btw.


    Have probably all the simple minds albums but thats getting a bit mainstream for this thread isn't it

    I love talking heads early stuff but the band was too mainstream for this thread

    these two individual efforts qualify thou



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  12. 7 hours ago, *Glenn* said:

    A litle boy playing with his toys in Korea could make some changes on the population side of things shortly, along with his mad mate Trump

    was reading the other day that the bigger (totally ignored in media issue) is the growing friction between India and china, both nuclear over their shared border and the whole nepal region


    3 hours ago, gjm said:

    And sadder still are those who, because they believe (something like) climate change is a hoax, advocate continuing down the path of assured destruction that we've been following.

    A lot of this is misrepresented. I think most believe in climate change, its hardly deniable but disagree that its all because of humans and we all must pay carbon taxes etc. That is taking a natural occurrence and using it to profit.

    the world has had 4 ice ages already, any large solar flares or heating could alter the earth faster than any humans. I read that if you stretch both arms out to represent the time the earth has existed, the length of one hand represents the dinosaur period and if you trimmed your fingernails you would wipe out human existence 

    therefore on a 5-6 ft scale humans rate about 3mm. logic would suggest we aren't that important

    Not saying we shouldn't recycle and clean our oceans etc use clean fuels but technology will help

    watch elon musks talk on youtube about inhabiting mars, what an amazing brain


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