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Everything posted by 5amchris

  1. ben he said he doesn't think he can get them in. but +1 to what Michael said they will sell like crazy if you can find them.
  2. Well said. Im happy to help. just need the few "needs" and "wants" first.
  3. http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....showtopic=32773
  4. This is hard to read =D Working at DSE we have to know these things but i dont really have time to type most of it out. Just to bravo: Some Plasmas will burn but getting something like the new Panasonic range you wont get this. The Refresh rate is a hard one everyone things it something different but in a nut shell Plasma with 600htz sub frame drive is faster then 100htz And your right on full LED back Lighting been very expensive and i think you can only get in LG atm. Saying this i would ask myself [You] What are you after? Is it for sport more then anything? Do you want 3D? dose money really matter? Is it going in a very sunny room? Best TV that we sell i would have to be http://www.dse.co.nz/dse.shop/4cd34ed6006a...uct/View/GE6114 has wireless has USB HDD Recording meaning you dont need to buy a HDD recorder Picture i would say just as nice as there LED. Hard to explain online but if i was close i would show you everything i have learned
  5. Just trying to help him =D Seemed like he was holding it off and people had lost interest.
  6. I have per-ordered the game as very very low numbers around have also used the bata. Yea it was ment to be today and i think i was told the 2* [20 Something this month]
  7. Wait a few more weeks =D Iv just been to all the trainings for all 3 networks something might come up that you like.
  8. Heino its probably better to get prices for single items and post them up and then from there everyone can pick what they want then see if you can get a better price as group buy. People dont wanna put there name down for something they could get cheaper right? Just my 2cents.
  9. open it with? http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/deta...;displaylang=en
  10. Dont see why no1 whats it, Very nice car GoodLuck getting a sale mate Not after a E36 are you?
  11. https://windowslivehelp.com/PasswordReset.aspx Try that man i have used before and has worked for me. Goodluck.
  12. hit us up with some pics of E36 gear plz =D [Lips]
  13. josh get meh one to? get me a price if you can do =}
  14. E36 Front lip? Got any pics?
  15. If done right then should be fine. And you would look at a cost around $400 [Thats what i paid]
  16. After just a cheapish [under $100] Pc Screen Just so i can run a movie and do other things =D looking for 15"+ and must have DV-I
  17. 5amchris

    E36 Springs

    do any better for BS Member =? what kind of drop on 17's? think i will need grads rolled?
  18. 5amchris

    E36 Springs

    Got some off a mate.
  19. Might be cheaper to run but its your car man! It shouldn't be taken every few days =D
  20. Add $50ish and get 4GB ram windows 7 idles on 1.46GB for me so there is no ram to run anything else. As i work at DSE i work with this stuff alot. Got for a i3 or i5 Chip. Case keep it simple and cheap its not going to help in anyway. Ram Go DDR3 1333 [if there is some cheap stuff] also where you buying the parts from? If you PM me the stuff you are after i could get you a price to match it up with.[Have computer supplier mates]
  21. Hahaha you probly dont wanna see that part =D I used a pre-made quad bike frame that was made in japan it dont look pretty =D springs i made myself with spring steel [just about cut my arm off doing this =D] But will get some pics for you to giggle at =}
  22. haha nah i will keep with the stockcar idea atm if i get bored i might try myself with some body work and make a E30 body or something =S
  23. 2M long its not that small =D
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