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Everything posted by 5amchris

  1. 5amchris

    TechII e30 M50

    I thought it was lower =D
  2. It is but f**k it rubs on anything! I hate going up any driveway at all now =} and there is a little bump on the passengers side front guard from the wheel making it push out. I can get about 30% turn going before i get scared.
  3. thought they did my bad =/ They did say a few months ago they are spending 150M or so on new towers all over the place dont know when this starts tho.
  4. Got the car back from TSV [Getting coilovers remade] the next day looked over the car saw that i had ripped the side guard =D Just given it a good wash and wax
  5. Ill give you that one as yea as a retailer we don't get the big guys.
  6. Just to add to this as i work with selling 2 degrees its more like <21 - Telecom 21-35 Mix these people just run with what every they have had before. 35-80 - 2 degrees Business is now all gone 2 degrees monthly [silly not to] and mobile data is yea a mix but if you live in the mean cites you are crazy not to go with 2 degrees. Thats just how it works out with people i help everyday. they might buy a vodafone phone but they will buy a 2 degrees sim card.
  7. Where you live 2 degrees has there own towers so thats why
  8. HaNs i got my car down low now and really like it! Thanks so much man Rubs on anything =D
  9. Just going to be very low i am going to need some room to turn =D also looking at some bbs rs reps atm
  10. Just with lowering my car even more looking into getting the guards roller and my brother said e36 m3's have wider a guard is this true? Thanks =D
  11. "It Just Works" Good way to put it tbh yes android is better for some people you can use it with windows files and sh*t a lot better but yea the iphone very simple and just does the job.
  12. android is a f**king bitch to use once you have had a iphone =D
  14. 5amchris

    F1 2011

    Bad luck man! was worth a try =D
  15. Get the guy that fixed your car to comment for you? he is the one that did the work to the car so knows what was wrong and what the cars limits were... I would do what Pjay is saying and email to them explaining your side of the story. Goodluck.
  16. Motorsport springs man...... Think about it?
  17. 5amchris

    Friday Funny

    hahaha i wish i could do this when i get "Do i get a free ipad with that?"
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