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Everything posted by 5amchris

  1. also have you looked at the rest priced to Christchurch just been a main stop and all might be cheaper.
  2. Arr Josh im half and half on that =D A few things i know that are wrong he didn't pick up on but meh ill get the box and brakes done and leave it al that then get the V-maxx's And then roof liner done. also they charged $46 to say it has a fault =D 2 mins work.
  3. Where is your car? Took my car in today also to get it looked at to see if anything was wrong with it. Come back with no faults but the air bag light. Took into auto electrical and they scanned just the air bag light when i asked for a full scan and had to pay for them to say "We will have to look into it more" Pfft o well booked it in to get the gearbox oil changed and he will have a play around trying to find the odd sound getting new front pads put on and also will get new brake fulid put into her. and take it into BMW to get them to look at the airbag light.
  4. FFS same haha i did go around town and people said if i wanted a better performance i should get it down to a single pipe, would this be true?
  5. Telephone: 64(03)6861069 Give them a call and see where they sell it around Auckland?
  6. Dont know but ill pay to have one.
  7. 5amchris

    Tuesday funny

    Get back to work =D
  8. Guy that use to have a place across the road from new world on Broadway? he had sh*t loads of cars hidden away back there. We talking about the same guy?
  9. family knows most of the older car dealers around town i could remember seeing this car before from one of them.
  10. hoffman autos? wound be the only place in town i would think that would buy one.
  11. a 2.5 becomes 2inch when the crush bend . So the resiction devolopes in the bends. With a mandrel bent unit no restictions full though. Less bends even make less restiction too. The most popular exhaust systems like GHL has a very limmited angle bend as posible. Copyed off Google.
  12. it has been on trademe a long time but he has still be working on it as said before. Someone go take it for a boost =D
  13. Sweet will see if they are still for sale when i get paid next week.
  14. all i can say is could you please have a read of this. http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....showtopic=20961
  15. Your Pic =D white + Green
  16. 5amchris

    E36 325i Coupe

    was it under 100MM? by the pics it looks pretty much motorsport hight?
  17. pretty low really would like to take it under the 100MM's and get it certified just worried i might have to get shortened shocks would this be true?
  18. Pm me if he doesn't want the BS ones and ill send the money over. not to worried on when they get sent out just when you have time.
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