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Posts posted by M5V8

  1. Also, i disagree with "first stone to hit will leave horrible silver marks and looks cheap"

    It doesn't look cheap at all, it has a nice matte finish and its extremely durable.

    My mates have had plastidip on their grills for over a year and not a single chip.

    hi kyle - i was just providing personal experience.

    I painted mine, looked great.

    first time I hit the open road when i arrived at my destination the grills were all chipped up and looked gawd awful.

    bought a proper pair online for $100. never looked back.

    yes you can paint them, yes they will look fine. but you will need to repair whenever you get sprayed with gravel on NZ's open road. Which is often in my experience

    or is it just me?

    do I just follow cars too close?? :)

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  2. Sorry if there was any confusion. I'll try to be as clear as possible

    The car was in japan. He owned and insured it. It was purchased only a few days before being thrown up on trademe.

    I paid a small deposit and he shipped it here. I inspected and paid the balance & signed paperwork for it. I now own it.

    He owned and insured it until I signed the paperwork and paid the balance.

    The difference between that and a normal dealer is if I went to a yard to buy it, it may have sat on the yard for say 3 months.

    That's 3 months of insurance and finance that's added to the cost of the car, plus salesman commission, yard overheads, the yard hand whom washes its salary etc etc.

    In the car game. The faster your turnover the more profit. Unless you sell something special that you can't buy anywhere else.

    Chris Broadhurst was a pleasure to deal with compared to many car dealers I have met over the years.

    Yes I'm still waiting on a small part he's trying to source, but that's minor and im sure he will come through.

    I'd buy off him again.

  3. He owns and insures the car in transit. I had no liability there. I signed nothing. I could have walked away at any point.

    The difference is against a car sitting in a yard waiting for you to come look at it. The car already owes the yard about $2k (well it was when I dealt cars) before it's even sat on the yard for 5mins. It goes up everyday.

    This is because they need to hold this motor on their finance floorplan, there's overhead for that, salesman commission, insurance etc.

    For example if the car sells on day one they need to make $2k over the cost to beak even. Each day that figure goes up because of the insurance cost of holding it and the finance cost to the company.

    Even a small dealership you are talking hundreds of thousands in stock sitting in the yard on their books.

    If you "sell" the car before it even arrives you avoid majority of these things.

  4. personal experience counts. I bought our mecedes ML350 of this company.

    besides some minor items, (a switch that was broken/ gearbox service due, parking sensor issue - which he is addressing) our mercedes is as expected, as described and we are more than happy with the car and the deal.

    Currently only the switch is outstanding, he's fixed the sensor problem and serviced the gearbox (at our cost) even got a deal on the tints.

    I actually really like driving it. only gripe is that the stereo has japanese writing on it.

    but I can live with that. We paid at least $3k less than any other ML350 of the same year with significantly less km on it.

    How it works is you pay a deposit to ship the car. If you have any concerns with it when it arrives you get the deposit back.

    He doesn't have to insure or hold the car on his balance sheet or take up any precious showroom floorspace. Hence the lower overhead.

    He will even take trade ins. Valued our old Rav4 then we had the time it took to arrive to attempt to sell for more.

  5. Hi Charles, I've bought from Broadhurst motor compnay. If you want some personal experience then PM me.

    otherwise. in general.

    the mercedes is a big wallowy old tank. Which is just perfect for auckland traffic.

    The price is lower than cars here because he sells the cars before he ships them, it's cheaper to do it this way as he never actually holds any cars for too long.

    He's effectively an importer that selects the cars for you.

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