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Posts posted by ED1RTY

  1. Why delete my post? This is a subject that rark's me up and I'm sick of people defending the NZ Justice System.

    Fair enough most of them are just trying to do their job, and I know a few police officers who also think that the NZ Justice system is f**ked. I myself have been screwed over/spent time through the courts for offense's I didn't even commit. Both times the Judge laughed and threw the case out. What is the point in this waste of taxpayer money. NZ Justice system is a JOKE. As Ashkan said, Drug dealers getting a lesser penalty than the O.P.. WTF?

    Give the Police guns and I could just about guarantee that petty crime will go down. Stop being so P.C NZ.

  2. Chris has been f**king around in a boat for the past few years and inst up with the play :P

    yes there is a 1M due out this year for purchase in NZ. They already in europe.

    That I have.

    I reckon it looks kinda cool, but Graham you are probably right :P

  3. Last time I drank Bacadi I woke up minus phone, iPod, hat, right shoe and watch on my sisters couch on the other side of town with blood all over the back of my head and a fractured foot. No Bacardi, ever!

    Makes a wicked Frozen Jagerbomb. You use Redbull as the ice cubes and the Jagermeister as the liquid. It is life changing.

    I'll go with this to. Bacardi = the devil

  4. 'hold up, wait a minute; let me put some kush up in it' Just before Snoop's verse? Sounds like him?

    iTunes version

    Edit: I'd say it's fairly likely, they've had 10 years to release it!

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