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Posts posted by ED1RTY

  1. I havn't smoked for 2.5 months now either Glenn, you will defiantly notice the difference after the first two weeks.

    I carry a bottle of water with me everywhere. If I ever feel like a cig i just drink water. I find it hard to not smoke when Im drinking so havn't been drinking as much either. All up on average been saving around 130 per week on smokes and booze..

    This has given me the opportunity to go to Metallica in Adelaide. Something I wouldn't have been able to do if I was still smoking. When you start to see the benefits of not having them you will wonder why the hell you did it all those years!

    Good on you Glenn, GOod luck mate!

    P.S Graham is on the money really. It's all a mindset!

  2. do you mean .aac or .aif?

    I got my dad onto the popcorn hour, hes has no problems with that

    all HD movies are encoded in .mkv now so i would recommend getting your hands on 'Handbrake' and encode ur iMovies to .mkv using the .h264 codec

    This is what I use for Apple TV/Ipod.

    I also have MySky and run wireless monitor setup on my Desktop. Can run TV as My Computer and browse Internet that way (Wireless Keyboard/mouse etc) So it doesn't bother that I can only run Youtube on Apple TV. All i really wanted it for is the external memory and wait for the American Shows to come on the 'TV' part of Istore

  3. Get a wheel alignment?

    Kinda stupid question to ask considering this is a 23 year old Sedan and you own a far newer 4x4.

    Suspension Setup/characteristics would be quite different.

    GLWS.. If I was in the market for another E30 I'd be coming to see you!!

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