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Posts posted by ED1RTY

  1. Cheers guys, I guess at this stage I need to focus on getting the wound healed and just keep the movement going in my hand, Like some have said, i get random blotches of pins and needles so i guess thats a good sign. Got an appt next week to see how im progressing.

    Josh, i also have bad back pain haha, slipped two discs in the last 5 years (family history of sh*t backs)

    Downloaded Age of Empires 3 last night and am also the new regular at the movie shop. Its not gunna stop me going on a fishing charter that i organised for next weekend ;) (also pissed cos today would have been pearla for it!) maybe just a sign i need to slow down a bit.

    Sorry for the shitty grammar, hard to shift/press buttons with one hand. p.i.t.a to say the least.


  2. dont tell me you didnt laugh when you wrote this and knew exactly what people would think

    hope you have a quick recovery though. last time i had a cast i ended up playing golf on Xbox 360. only need one hand

    hah yea thought about it after i wrote it, might have to go hire golf! haha

  3. haha good call Glenn, i've already been told that option by a few mates :P

    Nothing major, was cleaning up a broken beer bottle and had a mate run out the door, didn't see me and yea, shanked myself in the arm. At the time i though meh, just a big cut, it's kickin my ass now though. So frustrating! Right in the best part of the fishing season to!

  4. Bit of a random topic for this forum but i just want to know if anyone has had major nerve damage and how long it took to repair? I lacerated my left arm on the weekend, just inside the elbow, wasted the main artery, tendon and nerve. Now i cant feel my hand/forearm.

    Ive been told by the docs i can expect it to take 1-2 months for the nerve to realise its fooked then it will grow back at a rate of 1mm per day from then on (leading to approx 12-18 months of no feeling)

    Its been 4 days and feel like im already going crazy, I cant do sweet f.a and its frustrating as f**k, think No fishing, No computer games, Mission to shower (full arm cast) mission to cook, everything is a pain in the ass (well arm in this context)

    So yea just wondering if anyone has been through similar and could let me know how long it took to come right/what they did while they were as frustrated as I am.

    Also any fun tasks that involve using only one hand would be good!

  5. Went out last Friday and managed to land my first King. About 20mm to small to keep :( and also got our bag limits on Snapper.. Bought a 5ft Mako up as well which was a bit of fun! (This was all out in the Firth of Thames/Shag Rock.)

    Went out this Evening to the #6 Buoy in the Rangitoto Channel, Got a few Snaps but mostly quite small :( A few boats out there but nobody seemed to be catching much.. Soft baits were prevailing when the current got up. (Gulp Lime Tigers)

  6. As per title, anyone on here get into their fishing?

    Bought a boat mid last Summer and have already had a sh!tload of fun in it. Caught some decent fish and have a bit of fun towing the biscuit. Being in Auckland I usually hit the Firth of Thames or the Inner Gulf for a decent feed :) (Spot X usually does the trick here)

    I'm looking forward to giving Jigging a bit of a go this season. Am yet to land my first Kingi, but I have never had the gear to handle them! Hoping to get a decent one this Summer :P So just bought a reel and will be rod shopping on Boxing day!

    Anyone else in Auckland get out much? Also be good to hear what the fish are up to in other parts of the country!

  7. Righty ho.. ended up getting em off. used a compressor and impact gun with a bigger tank (mine was losing torque after 15 or so sec's) just rattled the hell out of one.

    The rounded one was a mish.. Turned out it was going to be to hard to source another wheel nut, so tacked the edges of the nut that were worn, dremeled them back to corners and used the rattle gun on it.

    Never had such a problem with wheel nuts ever.

    Upside is it got a WOF and I can now go fishing this weekend :D

    Moral of story - Never let your nuts get rusty.

  8. Yea boat is in the carport and the culprit nuts are almost hard up against the wall. So not much access, Will have to finish the other 3 hubs, put the wheels back on and roll it out. But, stuff it, I think you are right.. Time for a BiggerFH!

    Hope I can get replacements, they are 26mm nuts with what looks like a standard wheel stud thread. Odd size though. Had to buy a socket just to fit em?!!

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