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Posts posted by ED1RTY

  1. I am extremely smart I have a Standard Poodle.. This theory is instantly flawed :blink:

    Pit-bull's have a high pain threshold, kinda scary thinking that if one was attacking you it probably wouldn’t stop no matter how hard you were punching it.

    Factoid: The only way to subdue one when its in a rage and its jaw is locked is to shov something up its you know what.

    Or rips its front legs apart so hard that it paralyses them..

  2. I disagree

    Waaay less prone to virus's

    A hell of alot easier to use

    You can put Windows on a Mac

    You cant put Mac OS on Windows

    Windows always gitches out

    So much more support for mac as they dont make 'shitty' mac's only 'shitty' p.c's (There are SOME decent ones)

    You don't see mac selling for $799 at the warehouse

    I have more reasons but that is more than the 'they just are' comment :)

  3. A MacBook Pro is by far the best laptop you can buy. There's nothing that comes even a mile close. Plus, they're bringing out brand new ones soon too! If you need Windows you can install it, if you can't go on the interwebs without getting a Virus you can use OSX - best of both worlds.

    ED1RTY, here's a pro tip: don't download and execute pronviewer.exe. It's that simple.

    lol pretty much everything pwns pc these days!

    Bet Bill Gates wishes he made an e-condom huh!

  4. Mac FTMFW

    Sorry but ill never go back to p.c, mac is so just so much easier to use. I have a Uprated powerbook g4 laptop 12" and its good as for taking away, light and small.

    Also have the newest Imac. Networking is a breeze with airport, have the apple tv also which is uber badass for latenight you-tube/movie/music from your tv/entertainment system anywhere in the house (all wireless to the computer)

    oh yea almost forgot to mention I can look at my pron unprotected and get no e-virus's :P

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